ENRC congress, 1st european neurorehabilitation congress
- Swinnen, E. (Member of programme committee)
- Baeyens, J. (Member of programme committee)
- Sylvia Pintens (Member of programme committee)
- Clijsen, R. (Member of programme committee)
- S. Ilsbrouckx (Member of programme committee)
- Benoit Gebara (Member of programme committee)
- Johan Van Nieuwenhoven (Member of programme committee)
- Heleen Demeyer (Member of programme committee)
- Iemke Hauchecorne (Member of programme committee)
- Meeusen, R. (Member of programme committee)
- Kerckhofs, E. (Member of programme committee)
- Brubotics Rehabilitation Research Center
- Rehabilitation Research
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy
- Movement and Sport Sciences
- Experimental Anatomy
- Faculty of Physical Education and Physical Therapy
- Vriendenkring VUB
- International Relations and Mobility
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group
- Doctoraatsbegeleiding
Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference