
In dit artikel "Brontë Brusselt" verwijst Kathy Mathys naar Schrijven/Ecrire Bruxelles (ed. Daniel Acke & Elisabeth Bekers, VUB Press 2016) en in het bijzonder naar het artikel van Elisabeth Bekers "Van “brilliant little capital” tot “open city”: Brussel anders bekeken door Engelstalige prozaschrijvers"

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Charlotte Brontë ‘Villette’- Ecrire Bruxelles/Brussel schrijven (De Standaard) 15 april 2016 Kathy Mathys…
Elisabeth Bekers
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23 March at 16:21 ·
The Guardian
Last week, the Glaswegian was named as her country’s new poet laureate. Fans point to her rare combination of literary merit with great accessibility, making her a popular…|By Kevin McKenna
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Elisabeth Bekers
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Vandaag stond de gehele uitzending van ‪#‎DWDD‬ in het teken van de aanslagen in Brussel. Kijk en luister naar de mooie woorden van Griet Op de Beeck: 'Laten we...

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Elisabeth Bekers
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Terrible news. Heard it as kids were leaving for school; neither of us in Brussels today.

Irene Perez Fernandez Glad to hear you are safe
Wangui Wa Goro
Sissy Helff
Sissy Helff dear Lis, good to hear you and your loved ones are safe-- kept thinking of you, love from Brazil,
Elisabeth Bekers
Elisabeth Bekers Thanks for your concern! "Let's learn to know better, no longer spill the days that all those others, there, so suddenly, lost. [...] Let's keep them open: our doors, our arms, our minds." A few lines from a powerful poem by Flemish writer Griet Op de Beeck (De Wereld Draait Door, 22 March 2016). If you can, read the Dutch original; my translation hardly does it justice.
Elisabeth Bekers
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16 February ·
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Literaire avond naar aanleiding van het tweetalige boek Brussel Schrijven / Ecrire Bruxelles (Stadsschriften/VUBPress), over de stad als (literaire) inspiratiebron sinds de 19de eeuw, samengesteld door Daniel Acke en Elisabeth Bekers.
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Elisabeth Bekers
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Elisabeth Bekers shared a link.

10 February ·
The Guardian
I am very proud of the first part of the term BAME, but I would never want to let it define me as a writer|By Chibundu Onuzo
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Elisabeth Bekers
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26 friends posted on your Timeline for your birthday.

Birthday: 10 October

My dear and best Belgium friend Liesbeth!!!! I wish you the best and lots and lots of blessings not only for this special day... but for all your life!!! Happy Birthday .

Morayma Gómez's photo.
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Elisabeth Bekers
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Elisabeth Bekers
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Elisabeth Bekers
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Period15 Apr 2016

Media coverage


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  • Brussel in literature
  • Charlotte Brontë
  • Vilette