AMGC Fourier Transform Infra-red spectrometer lab.

Facility/equipment: Equipmentno e-resource/single sited

  • Location

    Pleinlaan 2


Equipments Details


Hosting: Vertex 70v + Hyperion 3000 IR microscope
The Vertex 70v is a FTIR spectrometer which can operate under vacuum (if needed). It covers mid- and far-infrared (6000 to 50 cm-1) with a spectral resolution down to 0.16 cm-1.

Combined with an ATR (Attenuate Total Reflectance) unit, it analyses powdered samples and films. The Hyperion 3000 (microscope attached to Vertex) enables the creation of 2D-maps (lateral resolution up to 2 µm and 2D-imaging with a 64*64 pixels detector) in a non-destructive way. The microscope can handle samples as large as 10 cm3


NameAMGC * Fourier Transform Infra-red spectrometer Vertex 70v + Hyperion 3000 IR microscope
Acquisition date1/11/16


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