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OZR1330: Computer-ondersteunde methodeontwikkeling toegepast op chirale scheiding van stoffen met farmaceutisch belang.
1/11/05 → 31/01/06
Project: Fundamental
OZR1334: Chemometric analysis of fast liquid chromatographic data obtained on monolithic silica columns
1/10/05 → 30/09/06
Project: Fundamental
DWTC168: The design and application of new (sub-micronsize particles based) stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography.
13/04/05 → 31/12/07
Project: Fundamental
OZR1155: Ontwikkeling van pediatrische antimalaria formuleringen met combinatietherapie en onderzoek naar hun biologische beschikbaarheid en farmacokinetische gegevens.
Vercammen, J.
1/01/05 → 31/12/07
Project: Fundamental
HOA4: Computer-supported design of chemical analysis chips for (bio)pharmaceutical separations
De Wilde, D., Vander Heyden, Y., Desmet, G. & Deconinck, J.
1/01/05 → 30/09/09
Project: Fundamental
OZR1165: Fingerprints in HPLC, CE and CEC: development, data treatment and extraction of information
1/10/04 → 30/09/05
Project: Fundamental
FWOKN131: Quality of medical drugs : development of capillary electrochromatography
Massart, D. & Vander Heyden, Y.
1/01/04 → 31/12/06
Project: Fundamental
BWS03/07: Study for the predictio of membrane passage of potential drug molecules from chromatographic retention data and theoretical molecular descriptors
Vander Heyden, Y. & Massart, D.
1/01/04 → 31/12/05
Project: Fundamental
OZR1009: Contributions to faster development and validation of pharmaceutical analytical separation methods : experimental design in method optimization and method validation
Vander Heyden, Y. & Dejaegher, B.
1/01/04 → 31/12/07
Project: Fundamental
OZR1019: 3D-molecular descriptors in quantitative structure-selectivity (QSSR), structure-retention (QSRR) and structure-activity (QSAR) relationships
Vander Heyden, Y. & Massart, D.
1/10/03 → 30/09/04
Project: Fundamental
BWS02/06: Methodology and guidelines for the quality control of fingerprint chromatograms of herbal medicines
1/01/03 → 28/02/05
Project: Fundamental
EU169: Analytical strategy to detect infringement of patents or proprietary processes of pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals (COUNTERPHARM).
Vander Heyden, Y., Verbeke, J. & Massart, D.
1/01/03 → 30/04/06
Project: Fundamental
OZR899: Chemometrics in separation techniques : method development and -optimisation; extraction of information
Massart, D. & Vander Heyden, Y.
1/01/03 → 31/12/05
Project: Fundamental
FVO11: Formulatie- en stabiliteitsstudies voor opname in het Federaal Formularium
Vercammen, J.
1/01/03 → 31/12/03
Project: Fundamental
COF8: Virtual Institute of Chemometrics and Industrial Methodology
Massart, D. & Verbeke, J.
1/10/02 → 31/05/04
Project: Fundamental
EU145: Establishing of a wine data bank for analytical parameters for wines from third countries (WINE DB).
Massart, D. & Verbeke, J.
1/04/02 → 31/12/05
Project: Fundamental
EU149: Virtual Institute for Chemometrics and Industrial Metrology (VICIM)
Massart, D. & Verbeke, J.
1/02/02 → 30/09/04
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL214: Extraction of relevant information from analytical chemical data through chemometrics
Massart, D. & Verbeke, J.
1/01/02 → 31/12/05
Project: Fundamental
OZR772: Bereiding en analyse van fentanyl-cyclodextrine complexen voor het bekomen van een verlengde werking bij periduraal gebruik. In-vitro en in-vivo onderzoek.
Vercammen, J.
1/01/02 → 31/12/04
Project: Fundamental
VLW80: Rational use of existing and new methodologies in separation techniques
Vander Heyden, Y., Baron, G., Verbeke, J. & Massart, D.
17/12/01 → 30/06/05
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM270: Fast chromatographic methods on new stationary phases
Vander Heyden, Y. & Massart, D.
1/10/01 → 30/09/05
Project: Fundamental
IWT145: Computer-assisted method development applied to chiral separation of products of pharmaceutical importance
Vander Heyden, Y., Verbeke, J. & Massart, D.
1/10/01 → 30/09/05
Project: Fundamental
DOZ8: Innovation projects in education (OVP 2001 : Problem-based learning in the curriculum pharmacist, an education laboratory
Foriers, A., Massart, D., Petit, P., Rogiers, V., Sarre, S., Vander Heyden, Y., Vercammen, J., Vrijsen, M., De Clercq, H., Dupont, A., Michotte, Y., Rombaut, B., Verbeke, J. & Vrijsen, R.
1/09/01 → 31/12/02
Project: Fundamental
OZR619: Charaterisation of the impurity profile of drug substances: a combined chromatographic on chemometric approach.
Massart, D. & Verbeke, J.
1/01/01 → 31/12/04
Project: Fundamental
FWOKN84: Fast and orthogonal chromatography
Massart, D. & Vander Heyden, Y.
1/01/01 → 31/12/01
Project: Fundamental
EU119: EXPERTISE : review of certified reference materials
Massart, D. & Verbeke, J.
1/12/00 → 31/12/01
Project: Fundamental
IWT126: Orthogonal chromatographic systems for the characterization of impurities in drugs
Massart, D. & Vander Heyden, Y.
1/10/00 → 30/09/04
Project: Fundamental
DWTC54: Norms and guidelines for the evaluation of the uncertainty of analytical measurements.
Verbeke, J. & Massart, D.
1/04/00 → 31/03/03
Project: Fundamental
IWT89: A methodology for the comparison of drug dissolution profiles.
Massart, D.
1/01/00 → 31/12/01
Project: Fundamental
ADSS73: Automatization of an impurtiy screening strategy for newly discoveres molecules (Postdoc for Kris De Braekeleer)
Massart, D. & Massant, J.
1/01/00 → 30/06/02
Project: Fundamental
EU90: N-way methods for products quality control and process analysers applied ot bath processes (NWAYQUAL)
Massart, D. & Verbeke, J.
1/01/00 → 31/12/02
Project: Fundamental
OZR491: "Wet" chemometrics : method optimisation and extraction of information from fast and / or miniaturised separation methods .
1/01/00 → 31/12/02
Project: Fundamental
DWTC48: W&T-samenwerking met Centraal- en Oost-Europa.
Massart, D.
1/12/99 → 31/07/00
Project: Fundamental
IWT97: Micellar liquis chromatography, an alternative to immobilized artificial membranes when screening for potential drugs.
Massart, D.
1/10/99 → 30/09/03
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM192: Wet chemometrics: method optimization and extraction of information
Massart, D.
1/10/99 → 31/03/04
Project: Fundamental
BRGE13: Multivariate statistical modeling to estimate atmosferic environment and water quality in urban area.
Massart, D.
1/02/99 → 31/10/99
Project: Fundamental
OZR315: Ontwikkeling van een liposoom-vector voor mutiple farmaca. Toepassing op simultane inkapseing van bupivacaine en morfine voor pijntherapie.
Vercammen, J.
1/01/99 → 31/12/99
Project: Fundamental
EU78: European network for the intercomparison of chemometric software and methods
Massart, D.
1/10/98 → 30/09/01
Project: Fundamental
ADSS37: Toekenning aan de dienst FABI (verdeling werkingskredieten)
Vercammen, J.
1/06/98 → 31/12/99
Project: Fundamental
FWOKN11: Dubbele encapsulatie van bupivacaïne en morfine in één liposoom.
Vercammen, J.
1/01/98 → 13/12/98
Project: Fundamental