• Postal address

    Pleinlaan 2

    1050 Brussels


Organisation profile

Organisation profile

1. Podiatric biomechanics: The biomechanical analysis of the lower extremities during locomotion, the foot in particular, is essential for the scientific understanding of the biomechanical function of the lower body. This is very important for medical disciplines as orthopaedics and podiatry because a correct diagnosis and treatment of biomechanical disfunctions of the lower extremities rely heavily on a good understanding of the different biomechanical mechanisms during locomotion. Also shoe manufactures will benefit from a better insight in the biomechanics of locomotion. Shoes are the primary interface between body and ground and, therefore should fulfil basic biomechanical requirements for optimal running comfort and protection against overload injuries. Most research to date is confined to the kinetics of the foot. It is the aim using a comprehensive computer model to enable the three-dimensional analysis of the all the lower extremities of the body, hips included, in order to provide a global evaluation of gait and running kinetics. 2. Computerised gait analysis: - 3-dimensional evaluation of the movement of the calcaneus within the shoe during gait and running; - 3-dimensional foot kinematics as a function of running duration; - Biomechanical foot function and shoe characteristics as a function of running mileage; - Biomechanical characteristics of the foot function in walking and running. 3. Biomechanical simulation modelling and optimisation of sports movement. 4. 3-dimensional kinematics of human movements.


  • Podiatric Biomechanics
  • Force Plate Measurements
  • Movements
  • Biomechanical Function Lower Extension
  • Rearfoot Motion In Gait And Running
  • Sport
  • Human Biomechanics
  • Ground Reaction Forces
  • Rearfoot Kinetics
  • Cinematographical Analysis Of Human Mov
  • Plantar Foot Pressure Measurement
  • Three-Dimentional Cinematography


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