Projects per year
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HERC67: Exploiting plasma etching processes for micro/nanotexturing of metal surfaces to enable novel chemical, analytical, optical, and medical applications
De Malsche, W., Stiens, J., Hellemans, K., Vander Heyden, Y., Peeters, E., Hennecke, U., Ferranti, F., Maes, D. & Schelkens, P.
1/05/24 → 30/04/28
Project: Fundamental
BRGRD83: Proof of Concept 2023: the sunbeam, a new medical device to integrate sperm selection and in vitro fertilization
1/05/24 → 31/07/25
Project: Applied
BASGO8: OZR Basisfinanciering voor Grote Onderzoeksgroepen - CHESS
Desmet, G., Eeltink, S., Broeckhoven, K., De Malsche, W., Van Assche, T. & Denayer, J.
1/01/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL1114: Ordered self-assembly of submicron particles: A game-changer for unmatched resolving power in liquid chromatography
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Fundamental
IOF3027: μFlow Cell – Scaling microfluidics to industrial applications in biotech, pharma, and medicine
De Malsche, W., Hellemans, K., Peeters, E. & Peeters, T.
1/01/24 → 31/12/28
Project: Applied
VLAOO33: Baekeland mandate: Plasma-based CO2 conversion: Energy-efficient separation for continuous CO production
Van Assche, T. & Bryssinck, R.
1/10/23 → 30/09/27
Project: Applied
EU663: Applying ACOustic streaming to enhance mass transfer in Liquid Chromatography of large molecules
1/09/23 → 31/08/25
Project: Fundamental
OZR4161: Extension of the PhD trajectory due to Covid-19 (BOF Budget)
Eeltink, S., Elskens, M., Versées, W., Mattelaer, A., Oberthur, S., Wambacq, P., Lambert, B., Claeys, P., Keulen, S., Anckaert, E., Mast, J., Tompa, P., Coene, G., Hubin, A., Leermakers, M. & Gao, Y.
15/08/23 → 30/11/24
Project: Fundamental
BRGIMP23: Research Platform 2022: Vortex enhanced liquid chromatography for HbA1c monitoring based diabetes management
De Malsche, W. & Ottevaere, H.
1/12/22 → 1/12/25
Project: Policy Based
SRP70: SRP-Onderzoekszwaartepunt: Sustainable chemical technology using multifunctional structured materials
Denayer, J., Broeckhoven, K. & Van Assche, T.
1/11/22 → 31/10/27
Project: Fundamental
FWOSBO44: SBO Project: Scalable Bulk Acoustic Wave Solutions to Separate Micro- and Nanoparticles in Flow (AWESOME)
1/10/22 → 30/09/26
Project: Applied
VLAOO19: O&O Project ROAD : Robust Oligonucleotide Analysis in Development
1/09/22 → 31/08/25
Project: Applied
OZR3940: Cofinanciering OZR FWO Hercules MZW: A platform for next-generation comprehensive proteome analysis: liquid chromatography trapped-ion-mobility time- of-flight (LC-timsTOF) mass spectrometry
Eeltink, S., Desmet, G., Steyaert, J., Peeters, E., Stijlemans, B., Magez, S., De Trez, C., De Vos, J. & Meston, D.
16/03/22 → 16/03/25
Project: Fundamental
VLACAT14: cSBO project ICO2CH - Integrated CO2 Capture and Hydrogen production
1/01/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Applied
IOFCOFUN1: IOF strategic cofinancing
Thienpont, H., Westbroek, P., Ivcevic, A., Thumfart, J., Leiva, C. L., Outsios, G., Chichevaliev, S., Mampay, M., Teixeira-Costa, L., Mihajlovic, M., Parvez, M. S., Chen, Y., Hyder-Rahman, N., Oddo, L., Bussooa, A., Sharma, R., Rawat, P., Egberts, E., Gaba, E., Eze, C. T., Helvacıoğlu Akyüz, S. & Ogembo, V.
15/12/21 → 15/12/25
Project: Applied
OZR3916: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB - KU Leuven, COLLAERTS Gilles
14/12/21 → 13/12/25
Project: Fundamental
OZR3745: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB - KU Leuven, SADRIAJ Donatela
26/09/20 → 25/09/24
Project: Fundamental
IOF3012: GEAR: Technological and Socio-Economic Strategies for a Sustainable Chemical Industry.
Denayer, J., Desmet, G., Van Assche, T. & Oberthur, S.
1/01/20 → 30/09/25
Project: Applied
OZRSRF2: Towards Unrivaled Separation Technology in Support of Post-Genomic Research in Health and Nutrition - SRF mandate
1/10/19 → 30/09/24
Project: Fundamental
OZR3134: Toekenning EU-Beurs: EU-Cofinanciering B2b Categorie Wim De Malsche
30/05/17 → …
Project: Fundamental
BAS11: OZR - Basisfinanciering voor vakgroepen - Vakgroep CHIS - Faculteit IR
1/10/11 → 30/09/24
Project: Fundamental
OZR1876: Research alliance group VUB-UGent: Centre For Molecular Separation Science & Technology - MOST
Desmet, G. & Lynen, F.
13/03/09 → …
Project: Fundamental
ADSI163: Potential of further pressure increase and particle size decrease in HPLC columns. (Award)
12/12/07 → …
Project: Fundamental
ADSS78889: Secretariaat Beroepsvereniging voor Afvalverwijderaars
Buekens, A.
1/01/95 → …
Project: Fundamental