Projects per year
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AII36: Cooperation in the field of medicine and research and foundation of exchanging scholars and academic staff
1/02/08 → 31/12/24
Project: Fundamental
VLO166: Educational renewal project (OVP) 2006: Diagnosting and adjusting learning guidance during the clinical internship.
Schol, S.
4/12/06 → …
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL768: Towards a better understanding of what palliative sedated patientsexperience. Linking numbers to experiences.
Deschepper, R., Theuns, P., Poelaert, J., Bilsen, J. & Laureys, S.
1/01/15 → 31/12/18
Project: Fundamental
SRP4: Strategic Research Programme: End-of-life in cancer and non-cancer patients: public health, health services and clinical research. Addressing present and future challenges in palliative care.
Deliens, L., Cohen, J., Van den Block, L., Pardon, K., Deliens, L., Cohen, J., Van den Block, L., Chambaere, K., Bilsen, J., Deschepper, R., Rietjens, J. A. C., Sterckx, S., Theuns, P., Vander Stichele, R. & Mortier, F.
1/11/12 → 31/10/24
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL621: IGF-I and mild hypothermia as new therapies for focal cerebral ischemia
De Keyser, J., Brouns, R., Hachimi-Idrissi, S., Kooijman, R. & Sarre, S.
1/01/12 → 31/12/15
Project: Fundamental
OZR2311: Can biodiversity be protected without protecting cultural diversity?
5/09/11 → 5/09/15
Project: Fundamental
OZR2288: Observational Studies on renal impairment in critically ill patients
Spapen, H.
5/05/11 → 5/05/15
Project: Fundamental
HOA25: Integratie van licht en lucht in een operatiekwartier.
Huyghens, L., Rombauts, P., Vanlanduit, S., Peeters28062, L. & Diltoer, M.
1/01/11 → 31/12/14
Project: Fundamental
OZR2073: Functional imaging of the brain in Failed back surgery syndrome treated with Spinal Cord stimulation
Poelaert, J.
1/10/09 → 30/09/10
Project: Fundamental
EU315: Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicine
1/02/08 → 31/05/10
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL464: The role of insulin-like growth factor-I in protection and regeneration after transient focal brain ischemia
Kooijman, R., Sarre, S., Hachimi-Idrissi, S., De Keyser, J. & Michotte, Y.
1/01/08 → 31/12/11
Project: Fundamental
AII34: Exchange of students and academic staf in the area of medical education and research, with special focus on children medicine
17/07/06 → 17/07/12
Project: Fundamental
EU203: LEONARDO da Vinci -project : I SEE - Interactive simulation exercise for emrgencies.
1/10/04 → 30/09/07
Project: Fundamental
OZR628: Effect of empiric antibiotherapyon the systemic inflammatory response during acute sepsis and septic shock.
Spapen, H.
1/01/01 → 31/12/02
Project: Fundamental
OZR309: Pharmacodynamic interactions of hypnotic and opioid agents : analysis by response-surface methodology and influence of age and gender.
1/01/99 → 31/12/99
Project: Fundamental
OZR323: Effects of 21-aminosteroids on inflammatory mediators and nitric oxide metabolism in experimental sepsis.
1/01/99 → 31/12/03
Project: Applied
OZR246: Development of a liposomal vector for multiple pharmaca. Application of simultaneous encapsulation of bupivacaine and morphine for pain relief.
Camu, F. & Vercammen, J.
1/01/98 → 31/12/01
Project: Fundamental