Critical Urban Research Brussels

  • Postal address

    Pleinlaan 2

    1050 Brussels


Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Observing the need for a strong Brussels-based research network on urban affairs, CURB intends to strengthen existing ties between researchers at ULB and VUB in the interdisciplinary field of Urban Studies. The joint research group is (initially) centered on the piilars of critical urban geographical analysis and urban planning & design. CURB is expected to provide a framework to develop future research collaborations, by increasing the chances to secure funding through joint research projects and associated PhD trajectories. CURB has a clear intention to enhance the critical mass in Urban Studies already existing within Brussels and particularly to increase the academic valorization of research output through co-authored publications, workshops and seminars. As an agenda-setting research group and a platform of reflection on what kind of academic knowledge should radiate into wider society, CURB will also strive to further embed its research in more locally-oriented urban planning and governance issues, by engaging with governments and policy makers, and by interacting with civil society organizations. 


  • urban studies
  • urban planning
  • urban designs
  • urban geography