Projects per year
Organisation profile
Organisation profile
The department Economic Law consists of a group of experts in financial, economic and commercial law. Their aim is to research and stimulate reflection on topics belonging to this field. In order to do so, the Vakgroep Economisch Recht regularly organises colloquia about different law-related questions in this field (e.g. Company Law, Financial Law, Bankruptcy Law, Insurance Law), so as to offer a forum of discussion for practicians and academics. Furthermore, research by the Vakgroep Economisch Recht has led to publications already or to be published concerning the following research topics: 1. The required adaptations of the legislation on the protection of economic competition; 2. The adaptations required by European Law of the legislation on distance-sales; 3. Regulation with respect to telecommunication and media; 4. Insurance law, particularly the special regulated insurance contracts; 5. The protection of neighbouring rights in Belgium; 6. Consumer protection concerning travel contracts before and after the European Directive; 7. The interests of the company according to Belgian Law; 8. Transfer of receivables in Belgian financial and economic law.
- Travel Contracts
- Intellectual Property
- Insurance Law
- Investment Climate For S.M.E.
- Corporation Law
Voorzitter Vakgroep
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Centre Leo Apostel - Undefined
- History, Archeology, Arts, Philosophy and Ethics
- Linguistics and Literary Studies
- Artistic Research
- Movement and Sport Sciences
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy
- Experimental Anatomy - Undefined
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group - Undefined
- Psychology - Unknown
- Manual Therapy - Undefined
- Applied Linguistics - Undefined
- Engineering Technology - Undefined
- Private and Economic Law - Undefined
- Applied Economics - Undefined
- Business - Undefined
- Clinical and Lifespan Psychology - Undefined
- Educational Science - Undefined
- Materials and Chemistry - Undefined
- Applied Mechanics - Undefined
- History - Undefined
- Language and literature - Undefined
- Philosophy - Moral Sciences - Undefined
- Sports policy and management - Undefined
- Accountancy, Auditing and Business Financing - Undefined
- Applied Physics and Photonics - Undefined
- Architectural Engineering - Undefined
- Art Sciences and Archaeology - Undefined
- Biology - Undefined
- Biomechanics and Human Biometry - Undefined
- Business Economics and Strategic Policy - Undefined
- Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry - Undefined
- Chemistry - Undefined
- Communication Sciences - Undefined
- Criminology - Undefined
- Department of Bio-engineering Sciences - Undefined
- Department of Public Law - Undefined
- Department of Water and Climate - Undefined
- Econometrics and Macro-Economic Studies - Undefined
- Economic Law - Undefined
- Economic, Monetary and Financial Policy - Undefined
- Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics - Undefined
- Electricity - Undefined
- Electronics and Informatics - Undefined
- Geography - Undefined
- Geology - Undefined
- Informatics and Applied Informatics - Undefined
- Mathematics - Undefined
- Mathematics-TW - Undefined
- Mechanics of Materials and Constructions - Undefined
- Metajuridica - Undefined
- Micro-economics for Profit and Non Profit Sector - Undefined
- Movement and Sports Training - Undefined
- Physics - Undefined
- Political Science - Undefined
- Private Law - Undefined
- Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy - Undefined
- Social Research - Undefined
- Sociology - Undefined
- Tax Law - Undefined
- Teacher Education - Undefined
Person: Unknown
CONI344: Inschrijvingen: Wilsautonomie, contractvrijheid en ondernemingscontracten. Welke toekomst beschoren?
3/01/11 → …
Project: Fundamental
CONI342: International Arbitration: Doorstorting van een deel van de inschrijvingsgelden.
29/11/10 → …
Project: Fundamental
Research output
Handboek Ondernemingsrecht
Wera, T., Byttebier, K., Borgerhoff, J., Delanote, M., Gesquiere, M., Joseph, D. & Vanstraelen, J., 2019, Die Keure. 532 p.Research output: Book/Report › Book
Themawetboek Ondernemingsrecht
Wera, T. & Byttebier, K., 2019, Larcier. 1067 p.Research output: Book/Report › Book
1631 plaintes sur 30 millions de contrats
Colle, P., 4 May 2018, La Libre Belgique, p. 41-41 1 p.Research output: Contribution to specialist/vulgarizing publication › Article › Vulgarizing
L'assurance fin prête pour l'arrivée des voitures autonomes
Colle, P., 31 Oct 2018, L'Echo, p. 11-11 1 p.Research output: Contribution to specialist/vulgarizing publication › Article › Vulgarizing
Les assureurs veulent payer, mais ...
Colle, P., 28 Mar 2018, La Libre Belgique (La Libre Entreprise), p. 42-42.Research output: Contribution to specialist/vulgarizing publication › Article › Vulgarizing
Expertcollege "Het vernieuwde vennootschapsrecht en het sociaal recht” op woensdag 5 mei 2021 (18-20u).
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
5 May 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Academisch studieverblijf Verenigde Staten
Koen Byttebier (Speaker)
27 Jan 2018 → 21 Feb 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Strategische ontwikkelingen en uitdagingen binnen de verzekeringssector - Paneldebat Insurance Academy
Philippe Colle (Invited speaker)
29 Mar 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Terrorisme en verzekeringen/Terrorisme et assurances
Philippe Colle (Speaker)
8 Sep 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
De hervorming van het statuut van de verzekeringsagent : status quaestionis
Philippe Colle (Speaker)
15 Dec 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference