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µTA 2990 (Micro-Thermal Analyser) with Linkam Temperature Stage
Facility/equipment: Equipment
110 GHz Real-time Oscilloscope for Advancing Flemish Measurement Infrastructures (ROAMI)
Johan Stiens (Consortium partner), Gerd Vandersteen (Consortium partner) & Yves Rolain (Consortium partner)
Electronics and InformaticsFacility/equipment: Equipment › no e-resource/single sited
-20°C frigo (9 x 966euro)
Facility/equipment: Equipment
2-3D profilograph
Facility/equipment: Equipment
3D SUper-Resolution to cryo-Electron MIcroscopy to study nanoscale subcellular dynamics and structure that alter in Neurodegenerative Diseases - 3SURE MIND
Han Karel Remaut (Consortium partner)
Department of Bio-engineering SciencesFacility/equipment: Equipment › no e-resource/single sited
- 80° freezers (4x)
Brussels Center for ImmunologyFacility/equipment: Equipment › no e-resource/single sited
AC chip nanocalorimeter
Facility/equipment: Equipment
Afwasmachine (3 x 656 euro)
Brussels Center for ImmunologyFacility/equipment: Equipment › no e-resource/single sited
Air flows ( 9 x : 7000per stuk)
Brussels Center for ImmunologyFacility/equipment: Equipment › no e-resource/single sited
AKTA-Prime chromatography system
Ecology, Evolution and GeneticsFacility/equipment: Equipment › no e-resource/single sited
AMGC * Picarro Isotopic water analyzer L2140-i and peripherals Induction Module
Philippe Claeys (Infrastructure coordinator) & Steven Goderis (Infrastructure coordinator)
Archaeology, Environmental changes & Geo-ChemistryFacility/equipment: Facility › no e-resource/single sited
AMGC - Fourier Transform Infra-Red Lab
Philippe Claeys (Scientific coordinator) & Christophe Snoeck (Infrastructure coordinator)
Archaeology, Environmental changes & Geo-ChemistryFacility/equipment: Facility › no e-resource/single sited
AMGC Fourier Transform Infra-red spectrometer lab.
Christophe Snoeck (Manager) & Philippe Claeys (Manager)
Archaeology, Environmental changes & Geo-ChemistryFacility/equipment: Equipment › no e-resource/single sited
AMGC Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry facility (ICP-MS)
Steven Goderis (Infrastructure coordinator), Christophe Snoeck (Infrastructure coordinator) & Philippe Claeys (Infrastructure coordinator)
Archaeology, Environmental changes & Geo-ChemistryFacility/equipment: Facility › no e-resource/single sited
AMGC - Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Lab.
Philippe Claeys (Scientific coordinator), Christophe Snoeck (Scientific coordinator), Steven Goderis (Scientific coordinator), Martyna Kopec (Infrastructure coordinator) & Wim Borremans (Infrastructure coordinator)
Archaeology, Environmental changes & Geo-ChemistryFacility/equipment: Facility › e-resource/single sited
AMGC - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Laboratory (IRMS)
Philippe Claeys (Manager) & David Verstraeten (Infrastructure coordinator)
Archaeology, Environmental changes & Geo-ChemistryFacility/equipment: Facility › no e-resource/single sited
AMGC Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Facility
Steven Goderis (Infrastructure coordinator), Christophe Snoeck (Infrastructure coordinator) & Philippe Claeys (Infrastructure coordinator)
Archaeology, Environmental changes & Geo-ChemistryFacility/equipment: Facility › no e-resource/single sited
AMGC - X-ray Fluorescence Lab
Philippe Claeys (Manager) & Steven Goderis (Infrastructure coordinator)
Archaeology, Environmental changes & Geo-ChemistryFacility/equipment: Facility › no e-resource/single sited
Analytical balance XPE205DR Mettler Toledo (Delta Range sub-analytical)
Marc Elskens (Manager)
Archaeology, Environmental changes & Geo-ChemistryFacility/equipment: Equipment › no e-resource/single sited
A new state-of-the-art motion capturing system for testing new emerging offshore and coastal engineering technologies in the new "Coastal & Ocean wave Basin (COB)" in Ostend
Christof Devriendt (Consortium partner)
Applied MechanicsFacility/equipment: Equipment › no e-resource/single sited
Anton Paar Multiwave GO Microwave Digestion system
Martine Leermakers (Manager)
Archaeology, Environmental changes & Geo-ChemistryFacility/equipment: Equipment › no e-resource/single sited
A platform for next-generation comprehensive proteome analysis: liquid chromatography trapped-ion-mobility time- of-flight (LC-timsTOF) mass spectrometry
Sebastiaan Eeltink (Scientific coordinator)
Chemical Engineering and Industrial ChemistryFacility/equipment: Equipment › no e-resource/single sited
A Quantel Brillant II quadrupled Nd-YAG laser (IR, visible and UV)
Facility/equipment: Equipment
AR-G2 Rheometer
Facility/equipment: Equipment