Bram Vanderborght
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Applied Mechanics - Additional Position (Rector, Vice Rector, Dean, Department Chair, Head of Research Group), Undefined
- Federated labs AI and Robotics
Person: Researcher, Professor
Hoang Long Cao
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Applied Mechanics - postdoctoral researcher
- Federated labs AI and Robotics - postdoctoral researcher
Person: Researcher, Guest professor
Greet Van de Perre
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Federated labs AI and Robotics - postdoctoral researcher
- Applied Mechanics - postdoctoral researcher
- Engineering Technology
Person: Researcher, Professor
Dirk Lefeber
Person: Sympathiser, Researcher
Malaika Brengman
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Communication Sciences - postdoctoral researcher
- Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology - postdoctoral researcher
- Business
- Interdisciplinary Historical Food Studies
Person: Researcher, Professor
Ilias El Makrini
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Federated labs AI and Robotics - postdoctoral researcher
- Applied Mechanics - postdoctoral researcher
Person: Researcher
Romain Meeusen
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Undefined
- Vriendenkring VUB - Emeritus
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group
Person: Sympathiser, Researcher
Kevin De Pauw
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - postdoctoral researcher
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group
Person: Researcher
Johan Vanderfaeillie
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- PE Academic Unit - Additional Position (Rector, Vice Rector, Dean, Department Chair, Head of Research Group), Undefined
- Psychology
- Brussels Interdisciplinary Research centre on Migration and Minorities
- Brussels University Consultation Center
- Centre for research in Youth care and Support
Person: Researcher, Professor
Kevin Langlois
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Federated labs AI and Robotics
- Applied Mechanics - postdoctoral researcher
Person: Researcher
Raphaël Guy Furnémont
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Federated labs AI and Robotics - postdoctoral researcher
- Applied Mechanics - postdoctoral researcher
Person: Researcher
Kelly Merckaert
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Applied Mechanics - postdoctoral researcher
- Federated labs AI and Robotics
Person: Researcher
Shirley Elprama
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Communication Sciences - postdoctoral researcher
- Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology - postdoctoral researcher
Person: Researcher
Joris De Winter
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Applied Mechanics - Unpaid employee
- Federated labs AI and Robotics - Unpaid employee
Person: Researcher
Denis Steckelmacher
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Federated labs AI and Robotics - postdoctoral researcher
- Informatics and Applied Informatics - postdoctoral researcher
Person: Researcher, Guest professor
Stephanie Van De Sanden
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Business - Paid guest professor
- Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology - Paid guest professor, postdoctoral researcher
- Communication Sciences - postdoctoral researcher
Person: Researcher, Guest professor
Arnau Dillen
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Informatics and Applied Informatics - postdoctoral researcher
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group
Person: Researcher
David Vernon
External person
Cristina Costescu
External person
James Kennedy
External person
Mark Coeckelbergh
External person
Daniel David
External person
Hui Yu
External person
Honghai Liu
External person
Emmanuel Senft
External person
Kathleen Richardson
External person
Alexandre Mazel
External person
Santiago Muñoz Moldes
External person
Arnaud Beauny
External person
Tony Belpaeme
External person
Axel Cleeremans
External person
Silviu Matu
External person
Axel Cleermans
External person
Serge Thill
External person
Olivier Romain
External person
Adélaïde de Heering
External person
Zhaojie Ju
External person
Amit Kumar
External person
Mark Coeckelbergh
External person
Emmanuel Senft
External person
Daniel Hernandez Garcia
External person
Huong Vu
External person
Jean-Rémy Martin
External person
Philipp Beckerle
External person
Haibin Cai
External person
Tim Schürmann
External person
Pedro Magalhaes Da Saldanha da Gama
External person
Madeleine Bartlett
External person
James Kennedy
External person
Amit Pandey
External person
Erik Billing
External person
Kutoma Wakanuma
External person
Xiaolong Zhou
External person
Paul Baxter
External person
Tom Ziemke
External person