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3-dimensional cervical movement characteristics in healthy subjects and subgroups of chronic neck pain patients based on their pain location
Author: Bastiaansen, M., Jansen, D., Waeyaert, P., Cattrysse, E., Scafoglieri, A., Buyl, R. & Schmitt, M., 2013Student thesis: Master-after-master
Anatomical and magnetic resonance imaging investigation of the myodural bridges
Author: Cnockaert, E., Dammak, Y., Cattrysse, E., Baeyens, J., Van Vlasselaer, N., Scafoglieri, A. & Vijverman, V., 7 Sep 2018Student thesis: Master-after-master
Anatomical variants of the human femoral head
Author: Casier, L., Van Roy, P. & Scafoglieri, A., 2014Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Author: Kichouh, M., De Maeseneer, M., Clarys-Robion, J. P., Scafoglieri, A., Vanlauwe, J., Demondion, X., Cannie, M. & De Wachter, E., 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Articulair tropisme C3 t.e.m. C7 ingevolge degeneratie
Author: Van Vlasselaer, N., Van Roy, P., Cattrysse, E. & Scafoglieri, A., 2014Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Betrouwbaarheid van een ultrageluid toestel voor een 3D bewegingsanalyse van de kaak
Author: Boone, G., Dieltjens, D., Scafoglieri, A. & Cattrysse, E., 2017Student thesis: Master-after-master
bIateral differences in terms of muscle quantity and quality measured with panoramic ultrasound: a cross-sectional study
Author: Testaert, R. P., Aerenhouts, D., Scafoglieri, A. & Van Den Broeck, J., 2023Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Body weight, body composition and physical fitness during 1.5 years at university
Author: Wauters, D., Clarys, P., Deforche, B., Deliens, T. & Scafoglieri, A., 2013Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Central pain mechanisms in patients with chronic shoulderpain: a case-control study
Author: Vlaisloir, S., Van Aelst, C., Nijs, J., Kuppens, K. & Scafoglieri, A., 2015Student thesis: Master-after-master
Cervical kinematics in persons with chronic neck pain compared with asymptomatic persons; A three-dimensionaal regional cervical kinematics in vivo study
Author: Versteegen, T., Cattrysse, E., Scafoglieri, A., Buyl, R. & Schmitt, M., 2014Student thesis: Master-after-master
Clinimetric Properties of the Dutch version of the Modified Oswestry Disability Index
Author: Persoone, K., Van Daele, U., Denteneer, L. & Scafoglieri, A., 2015Student thesis: Master-after-master
Comparison of cervical kinematics in healthy and neck pain patients
Author: Burioli, A., Cattrysse, E., Scafoglieri, A. & Schaillée, E., 2016Student thesis: Master-after-master
Comparison of the pro/supination components of forearm motion throughout the acceleration phase of handball throwing calculated by means of anatomical markers versus a forearm plate
Author: Bremmers, H., Op den Kamp, J., Baeyens, J. & Scafoglieri, A., 2013Student thesis: Master-after-master
Comparison of the rotation components of forearm motion throughout the acceleration phase of handball throwing calculated by means of anatomical markers versus a forearm plate
Author: Bremmers, H., Op den Kamp, J., Baeyens, J. & Scafoglieri, A., 2013Student thesis: Master-after-master
Comparison of the sensorial conduction velocity of the median nerve in healthy people with a unilateral axillary arch
Author: Bernaerts, B., Denissen, L., Scafoglieri, A., Joos, E. & Buzzatti, L., 2017Student thesis: Master-after-master
Correlative findings of MR and dissection of the atlanto-axial zygapophyseal joint meniscoids
Author: Siemes, L. J. F., Weierink, J., Cattrysse, E., Scafoglieri, A. & Sibret, M., 7 Sep 2018Student thesis: Master-after-master
De anatomie van de recessus prestyloideus. Een studie met behulp van MR Artrografie
Author: Bal, S., Corstjens, S., Van Roy, P., Shahabpour, M. & Scafoglieri, A., 2012Student thesis: Master-after-master
De cervicale kinematica bij personen met acute nekklachten
Author: Hollanders, L. W. M., van Kempen, S. J. M., Cattrysse, E., Scafoglieri, A. & Serrien, B., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
De implementatie van een oefenprogramma ter preventie van non-contact laterale enkelverstuikingen en voorste kruisbandletsels in de voetbal- en basketbalsport: een verdere analyse
Author: Hendrikx, T., Eechaute, C. & Scafoglieri, A., 2017Student thesis: Master-after-master
De invloed van performance stress op de elektromyografische activiteit van de rechter M. Trapezius pars ascendens bij professionele violisten
Author: Smets, K., Baeyens, J. & Scafoglieri, A., 2015Student thesis: Master-after-master
Differences in motor control and abdominal muscle recruitment patterns between healthy subjects and patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain
Author: Luca, B., Vaes, P., Van Daele, U., Rombouts, T. & Scafoglieri, A., 2014Student thesis: Master-after-master
Does in vitro conception influence body composition at young adult age?
Author: Demeyer, G., Provyn, S., Scafoglieri, A., Belva, F. & Tresignie, J., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Drie dimensionale analyse van bewegingen van de cervicale wervelkolom met behulp van elektromagnetische trackers bij personen zonder nekklachten en bij personen met aspecifieke nekpijn in de leeftijd van 46 jaar en ouder
Author: Eversmann, P., Huisman, P., Cattrysse, E., Scafoglieri, A., Schmitt, M. & Buyl, R., 2013Student thesis: Master-after-master
Dynamic range influences gray scale: a quantitative ultrasound study in healthy subjects
Author: Scafoglieri, A. & Bartocci , P., Sep 2022Student thesis: Master-after-master
Een 3D-analyse van de kinematica van het temporomandibulaire gewricht: Een pilotstudie naar kinematische parameters voor het temporomandibulaire gewricht bij mondopening en mondsluiting, laterotrusie en pro- en retrusie
Author: Hauffen, N., Cattrysse, E. & Scafoglieri, A., 2010Student thesis: Master-after-master
Een studie naar de incidentie van de anatomische varianten van de nervus Ischiadicus en hun mogelijke klinische betekenis
Author: Leltz, B. J. M., Cattrysse, E. & Scafoglieri, A., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Effect of an additional intervention in pre-professional musicians
Author: Aerts, C., Roussel, N., Struyf, F. & Scafoglieri, A., 2013Student thesis: Master-after-master
Effect of an aerobic and strengthening exercise program on bone marrow lesion volume in knee osteoarthritis: a pilot randomized clinial trial
Author: Rommers, N., Muyldermans, R., Vaes, P., Beckwee, D. & Scafoglieri, A., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Effect of an aerobic and strentghening exercise program on bone marrow lesion volume in knee osteoarthritis: a pilot randomized clinical trial.
Author: Vaes, P., Beckwee, D., Muyldermans, R., Rommers, N., Cnudde, M. & Scafoglieri, A., 25 Jun 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Endogenic Pain Inhibition Effects of a Conditioned Pain Modulation Protocol in Participants with Acute or Chronic Low Back Pain and Healthy Controls
Author: Mkichri, H., Plet, J. L., Moens, M., Goudman, L., Scafoglieri, A. & Van Vlasselaer, N., 7 Sep 2018Student thesis: Master-after-master
Evaluation of temporomandibular dysfunction, oro-facial, cervical pain and pain catastrophizing in female field hockey players
Author: Rüdelsheim, C., Van der Linden, V., Roussel, N., Pitance, L., Demeure, I. & Scafoglieri, A., 2015Student thesis: Master-after-master
Evolutie van klinische kenmerken na het plaatsen van een totale knie prothese: de invloed van ziektepercepties op het revalidatieproces
Author: Schrauwen, A., Baert, I., Meeus, M., Malone, S. & Scafoglieri, A., 2015Student thesis: Master-after-master
Finite helical axis for the analysis of cervical kinematics: a new approach using Convex Hull and Mean Angle
Author: Burioli, A., Cattrysse, E. & Scafoglieri, A., 2015Student thesis: Master-after-master
fMRI in neuromodulation: cerebral functional alterations between threshold and supra-treshold SCS
Author: De Groote, S., Declercq, I., De Jaeger, M., Moens, M. & Scafoglieri, A., 2016Student thesis: Master-after-master
Frailty in the oldest old: identifying early markers of physical frailty
Author: Vermeiren, S., Scafoglieri, A., Jansen, B. & Bautmans, I., 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
fysieke activiteit, sedentair gedrag, voeding en gewichtsverandering bij overgang van secundair naar hoger onderwijs: een longitudinale studie
Author: Lootens-Stael, E., Deforche, B., Deliens, T. & Scafoglieri, A., 2013Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Gold standards versus novel field methods in body composition: applications in health and pathology
Author: Van Den Broeck, J., Scafoglieri, A., Cattrysse, E. & Raeymaekers, H., 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Heart rate variability in patients with failed back surgery syndrome, treated with spinal cord stimulation: analysis of the frequency domain
Author: Aguirre, S. B., Moens, M., Goudman, L., Scafoglieri, A. & Van Keymolen, B., 28 Jun 2019Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Het effect van mountainbiken op de cervicale mobiliteit en bewegingsuitvoering in vergelijking met een controlegroep zonder nekklachten
Author: meir, S., Sannen, T., Cattrysse, E. & Scafoglieri, A., 2015Student thesis: Master-after-master
Het verschil tussen links-rechts metingen met echografie, betreffende spierdikte, -omtrek en -kwaliteit van de M. rectus femoris, M. biceps femoris, M. triceps brachii en de voorarm extensoren
Author: Scafoglieri, A., Van Den Broeck, J. & Testaert, R. P., 30 Jun 2023Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Influence of vibration on cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility in patients with non-specific neck pain and healthy subjects
Author: Arent, F. P. E., Kamerling, R., Leroux, S., Cattrysse, E., Scafoglieri, A. & Vijverman, V., 2016Student thesis: Master-after-master
Interactions between nociceptive inhibition and scapular upward rotation in patients with shoulder pain
Author: Lambrechts, L., Vanloot, D., Struyf, F., Nijs, J. & Scafoglieri, A., 2014Student thesis: Master-after-master
Invloed van cognitieve duale taken op posturale controle bij patiënten met lage rugklachten
Author: Konings, M., Vaes, P., Van Daele, U. & Scafoglieri, A., 2014Student thesis: Master-after-master
Invloed van het dragen van een helm op de regionale kinematica van de cervicale wervelkolom bij asymptomatische proefpersonen
Author: Kuijlaars, P. J. A., van Houten, J., Cattrysse, E., Scafoglieri, A. & Stenneberg, M., 2016Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Links-rechts vergelijking van kinematica en spierkracht bij vrouwelijke volleybalspeelsters met unilateraal patellofemoraal pijn syndroom
Author: De Dycker, L., Bolsens, V., Scafoglieri, A. & Buzzatti, L., 2017Student thesis: Master-after-master
Management of upper extremity injuries in rock climbing: a scoping review
Author: Mejiev, Z., Seroen, C., Scafoglieri, A., Devroey, D. & Van Keymolen, B., 4 Sep 2020Student thesis: Master-after-master
Measuring the differences in sensory-motor control and muscle activity in patients with non-specific low back pain and healthy subjects
Author: Breyne, N., Vaes, P., Van Daele, U., Rombouts, T. & Scafoglieri, A., 2014Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Objectifying subjective patient self-report in patients with failed back surgery syndrome treated with spinal cord stimulation: AdaptiveStim vs. ODI
Author: Beens, S., Schaerlaeken, S., Moens, M., Goudman, L. & Scafoglieri, A., 2017Student thesis: Master-after-master
Observation of the myological variation of the hallux in vivo and on MRI, comparison of findings in embalmed, fresh feet and MR images
Author: Moyson, N., Cattrysse, E., Demaeseneer, M. & Scafoglieri, A., 2014Student thesis: Master-after-master
Onderzoek naar de relatie tussen migraine en de aanwezigheid van een ponticulus posterior van de atlas
Author: van Pelt, L., Van Roy, P., De Hertogh, W., Jonckheere, J. & Scafoglieri, A., 2012Student thesis: Master's Thesis