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- 1 - 50 out of 51 results
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Leaping into the Bronze Age: Understanding the complex interplay between climate and humans in Belgium around the 3.2ka event
Hannah Leonard (Speaker), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor), Koen Deforce (Contributor), Possum Pincé (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Marine Wojcieszak (Contributor), Philippe Crombé (Contributor), Sophie Verheyden (Contributor), Christian Burlet (Contributor), Isabelle De Groote (Contributor), Philippe Claeys (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
31 Aug 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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LEArning from the Past: the LEAP project. Investigating the impact of abrupt climate changes on society and environment in Belgium
Giacomo Capuzzo (Speaker), Hannah Leonard (Contributor), Possum Pincé (Speaker), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Christian Burlet (Contributor), Philippe Crombé (Contributor), Koen Deforce (Contributor), Sophie Verheyden (Contributor), Marine Wojcieszak (Contributor), Philippe Claeys (Contributor), Isabelle De Groote (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
5 Jun 2024 → 8 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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The effect of a change in food availability during the 14th century
Rachèl Spros (Speaker), Bart Lambert (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Veronica Jackson (Contributor), Tessi Loeffelmann (Contributor), Steven Provyn (Contributor), Thyl Snoeck (Contributor), Philippe Claeys (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
3 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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Unveiling the fiery past: Insights into the cremation practices at Gallo-Roman Tienen (1-4th c.AD) using carbon and oxygen isotope analysis and FTIR-ATR
Anneminne Frère (Speaker), Elisavet Stamataki (Contributor), Emma Legrand (Contributor), Marleen Martens (Contributor), Guy de Mulder (Contributor), Free De Backer (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
31 Aug 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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Reconstructing chronology, human mobility, and funerary practices at the Late Bronze-Early Iron Age urnfield of San Valentino (San Vito al Tagliamento, Italy) using a multi-proxy approach
Giacomo Capuzzo (Speaker), Elisavet Stamataki (Contributor), Michael Allen Beck De Lotto (Contributor), Philippe Claeys (Contributor), Nadine Mattielli (Contributor), Giovanni Tasca (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
7 May 2024 → 10 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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The Calamitous Fourteenth Century and Its Influence on the People: A Case Study from Ypres, Belgium
Rachèl Spros (Speaker), Bart Lambert (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Philippe Claeys (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
21 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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Exploring different approaches to isotope mapping and modelling for a dynamic strontium isoscape – a case study of Belgium
Amanda Sengeløv (Speaker), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Hannah James (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Emma Legrand (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor), Nadine Mattielli (Contributor), Christophe Snoeck (Contributor) & Martine Vercauteren (Contributor)
30 Aug 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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Riparo Cornafessa: un accampamento di caccia all’orso bruno sulle Alpi al passaggio tra Pleistocene e Olocene
Rossella Duches (Speaker), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
30 Nov 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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Isotopic and Infrared Analysis of Corpse Manipulation during Cremation: An Experimental Study on Human and Animal Cadavers.
Kevin Salesse (Speaker), Elisavet Stamataki (Contributor), Mathilde Daumas (Contributor), Arwa Kharobi (Contributor), Marta Hlad (Contributor), Alexandra Boucherie (Contributor), Hannah James (Contributor), Jacob Griffith (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Martyna Kopeć (Contributor), Stephane Louryan (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
7 May 2024 → 10 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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The seasonality experiment: Investigating how the season and weather conditions affect pyrotechnology and cremation process.
Elisavet Stamataki (Presenter), Guy de Mulder (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
7 May 2024 → 10 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Counting beyond ashes: Identifying the possible presence of up to six people in an urn through strontium isotope analysis
Anneminne Frère (Speaker), Tessi Loeffelmann (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Amanda Sengeløv (Contributor), Hannah James (Contributor), Carina Gerritzen (Contributor), Guy de Mulder (Contributor), Nicolas Cauwe (Contributor), Free De Backer (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
8 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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Population dynamics in Croatia: Strontium isotope analysis of cremated remains from Slatina (Late Bronze Age) and Zvonimirovo-Veliko-Polje (Late Iron Age)
Emma Legrand (Speaker), Daria Ložnjak Dizdar (Contributor), Marko Dizdar (Contributor), Petra Rajić Šikanjić, (Contributor), Mario Novak (Contributor), Mario Šlaus (Contributor), Jacob Griffith (Contributor), Hannah James (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
31 Aug 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Vegetation dynamics in relation to abrupt climate changes at 4.2 and 3.2 ka cal BP in SE-Belgium. Continuity or a potential tipping point?
Possum Pincé (Speaker), Giacomo Capuzzo (Speaker), Nathalie Fagel (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Christian Burlet (Contributor), Philippe Claeys (Contributor), Philippe Crombé (Contributor), Isabelle De Groote (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor), Hannah Leonard (Contributor), Christophe Snoeck (Contributor), Sophie Verheyden (Contributor), Marine Wojcieszak (Contributor) & Koen Deforce (Contributor)
5 Jun 2024 → 8 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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Mothers on the Move? Sex- and age-related differences in strontium isotope ratios in a Late Bronze-Early Iron Age Tilburg, the Netherlands
Barbara Veselka (Speaker), Tessi Loeffelmann (Contributor), Ben Gruwier (Contributor), Joris Brattinga (Contributor), Guido Van den Eynde (Contributor), Lucas Meurkens (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
21 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Contexualizing Minoan Koumasa through the multidisciplinary examination of the human remains.
Ioannis Chatzikonstantinou (Speaker), Sevasti Triantaphyllou (Contributor), Christophe Snoeck (Contributor), Elisavet Stamataki (Contributor) & Diamantis Panagiotopoulos (Contributor)
2 Dec 2023 → 3 Dec 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
3-D shape analysis of ELONGATE DENDRITIC: A tool to refine the botanical attribution of cereal phytoliths?
Rosalie Madeleine Hermans (Speaker), Mao Li (Contributor), William H. Brightly (Contributor), Timothy Gallaher (Contributor), Caroline Strömberg (Contributor), Karin Nys (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
5 Sep 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
The MOLA project: Mobility and Life histories in the Alps-Understanding prehistoric social strategies in mountain environment
Giacomo Capuzzo (Presenter), Christophe Snoeck (Contributor) & Diego Angelucci (Contributor)
25 Nov 2023 → 28 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Living by the lake: First Sr isotope results from Zvejnieki, Latvia
Jacob I. Griffith (Speaker), Christophe Snoeck (Speaker) & Rick Schulting (Speaker)
18 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Through the fire: new ways to identify mature adult individuals and vitamin D deficiency in cremated human remains
Barbara Veselka (Speaker) & Christophe Snoeck (Speaker)
2 Sep 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
The added value of calcined pars petrosa ossis temporalis and teeth to the study of past mobility
Anneminne Frère (Speaker), Tessi Loeffelmann (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
2 Sep 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Using isotope analyses to study funerary practices, diet, and mobility in Bronze Age Greece
Christophe Snoeck (Speaker), Sevasti Triantaphyllou (Contributor), Ioannis Chatzikonstantinou (Contributor), Elisavet Stamataki (Contributor), Diamantis Panagiotopoulos (Contributor), Yiannis Papadatos (Contributor), Niki Papakonstantinou (Contributor), Chryssa Sofianou (Contributor) & Maria Stathi (Contributor)
8 Dec 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
What’s in a shape? 3D shape analysis of phytoliths as a tool to refine botanical attribution of cereal phytoliths in archaeological contexts
Rosalie Madeleine Hermans (Speaker), Mao Li (Contributor), William H. Brightly (Contributor), Alexandre Chevalier (Contributor), Timothy Gallaher (Contributor), Caroline Strömberg (Contributor), Karin Nys (Speaker), Christophe Snoeck (Contributor), Yannick Devos (Contributor) & Luc Vrydaghs (Contributor)
2 Sep 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Did the season count? Investiating how seasonality affects pyrotechnology and cremation conditions using experimental archaeology.
Elisavet Stamataki (Speaker), Guy De Mulder (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
2 Dec 2023 → 3 Dec 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Brussels & Belgium: Medieval Period
Rachèl Spros (Speaker) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
1 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
The make-up of skeletons to make-up a city
Rachèl Spros (Speaker), Elisavet Stamataki (Contributor), Veronica Jackson (Contributor), Bart Lambert (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Christina Cheung (Contributor), Philippe Claeys (Contributor), Steven Provyn (Contributor), Thyl Snoeck (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
13 Sep 2023 → 16 Sep 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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The Medieval way of cremation: Investigating the cremation conditions using FTIR-ATR and carbon and oxygen isotope analysis on cremated bones.
Elisavet Stamataki (Speaker), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Ioannis Kontopoulos (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Marta Hlad (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Amanda Sengeløv (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
30 Aug 2023 → 2 Sep 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Investigating Neolithic and the Middle Ages caprine herds mobility in French island of Corsica
Mélanie Fabre (Speaker), Hannah James (Contributor), Vianney Forest (Contributor), Christophe Ranché (Contributor), Gilles Giovannangelli (Contributor), Daniel Istria (Contributor), Denis Fiorillo (Contributor), Thomas Cucchi (Contributor), Jean-Denis Vigne (Contributor), Marie Balasse (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
20 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Cremated bones reveal secrets: Investigating the differences in cremation conditions between the Metal Ages and the Roman period in Belgium using FTIR-ATR and carbon and oxygen isotope analysis
Elisavet Stamataki (Speaker), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Rhylan McMillan (Contributor), Ioannis Kontopoulos (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Henrica Annaert (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Marta Hlad (Contributor), Amanda Sengelov (Contributor), Eugène Warmenbol (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
20 Apr 2022 → 22 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Revealed by fire: Interglobular dentine attributed to vitamin D deficiency visible in cremated human teeth.
Barbara Veselka (Speaker) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
18 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
There and back again: indications of mobility at the large-scale early medieval cremation cemetery at Cleatham, Lincolnshire, UK
Tessi Loeffelmann (Speaker), Philippe Claeys (Contributor), Christophe Snoeck (Contributor) & Janet Montgomery (Speaker)
27 Oct 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Constructing bioavailable strontium baselines from the local to the multi-national scale using new and legacy data – challenges and limitations
Hannah James (Speaker), Christina Cheung (Contributor), Carina Gerritzen (Contributor), Jacob Griffith (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
1 Sep 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Strontium isotopic and elemental differences between Metal Ages and Roman individuals in Destelbergen, Belgium
Sarah Dalle (Speaker), Christophe Snoeck (Contributor), Amanda Sengeløv (Contributor), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Marta Hlad (Contributor), Henrica Annaert (Contributor), Tom Boonants (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Steven Goderis (Contributor), Carina Gerritzen (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Elisavet Stamataki (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Eugène Warmenbol (Contributor) & Guy De Mulder (Contributor)
20 Apr 2022 → 22 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Reconstructing life histories using serial carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotope variation in human dental enamel
Jacob Griffith (Speaker) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
9 Sep 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Investigating environmentally driven health issues in medieval Ypres through osteological- and stable isotope analyses
Rachèl Spros (Speaker), Veronica Jackson (Contributor), Christina Cheung (Contributor), Bart Lambert (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Steven Provyn (Contributor), Thyl Snoeck (Contributor), Philippe Claeys (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
31 Aug 2022 → 3 Sep 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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How did Romans cremate? Investigating the cremation conditions during the Roman period in Belgium.
Elisavet Stamataki (Speaker), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Rhylan McMillan (Contributor), Ioannis Kontopoulos (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Marta Hlad (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Henrica Annaert (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Amanda Sengeløv (Contributor), Eugene Warmenbol (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
31 Aug 2022 → 3 Sep 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Enigmatic Belgian oxygen values are the highest in north-western Europe
Rachèl Spros (Speaker), Christophe Snoeck (Contributor), Hannah James (Contributor), Bart Lambert (Contributor), Maura Pellegrini (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Veronica Jackson (Contributor), Steven Provyn (Contributor), Thyl Snoeck (Contributor) & Philippe Claeys (Contributor)
20 Apr 2022 → 22 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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Where are the dead? Prehistoric and historic funerary and population dynamics in Belgium, the impact of radiocarbon dating cremated bones
Giacomo Capuzzo (Speaker), Guy De Mulder (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Marta Hlad (Contributor), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Amanda Sengeløv (Contributor), Elisavet Stamataki (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Eugene Warmenbol (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
26 Oct 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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Revealed by fire: interglobular dentine attributed to vitamin D deficiency visible in cremated human teeth.
Barbara Veselka (Speaker) & Christophe Snoeck (Speaker)
21 Apr 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Burned bones, hot research: Investigating cremation settings using FTIR and carbon and oxygen isotope analysis on archaeological cremated human remains from Belgium
Elisavet Stamataki (Speaker), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Ioannis Kontopoulos (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Marta Hlad (Contributor), Amanda Sengeløv (Contributor), Eugène Warmenbol (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor), Dries Tys (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
25 Mar 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
On the run: Early medieval settlers at Koksijde came from beyond The Channel
Rachèl Spros (Speaker), Christophe Snoeck (Speaker), Maura Pellegrini (Speaker) & Philippe Claeys (Speaker)
6 Sep 2021 → 11 Sep 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
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Burned bones, science and theory: How they can be combined to understand the cremation settings in the archaeological context?
Elisavet Stamataki (Speaker), Ioannis Kontopoulos (Contributor), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Henrica Annaert (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Marta Hlad (Contributor), Amanda Sengeløv (Contributor), Eugène Warmenbol (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor), Dries Tys (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
6 Sep 2021 → 11 Sep 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
From diagenesis to cremation: The application of FTIR to investigate post-mortem alteration of burnt bones
Elisavet Stamataki (Speaker), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Ioannis Kontopoulos (Contributor), Rhylan McMillan (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Henrica Annaert (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Marta Hlad (Contributor), Amanda Sengelov (Contributor), Eugène Warmenbol (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
24 Sep 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Changes in funerary practices of Belgian Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Urnfields.
Elisavet Stamataki (Speaker), Ioannis Kontopoulos (Contributor), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Marta Hlad (Contributor), Henrica Annaert (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Amanda Sengeløv (Contributor), Eugène Warmenbol (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor) & Christophe Snoeck (Contributor)
27 Feb 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Analytical techniques in the toolbox of early medieval archaeology
Marta Hlad (Speaker), Henrica Annaert (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Amanda Sengeløv (Contributor), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Elisavet Stamataki (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor), Eugène Warmenbol (Contributor), Christophe Snoeck (Contributor) & Dries Tys (Contributor)
30 Aug 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Osteoarchaeological Analysis of Cremated Human Remains from Belgium
Elisavet Stamataki (Speaker), Marta Hlad (Contributor), Christophe Snoeck (Contributor), Henrica Annaert (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor), Ioannis Kontopoulos (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Amanda Sengeløv (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Eugène Warmenbol (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor) & Dries Tys (Contributor)
26 Apr 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Roman non-adult cremations from Belgium: An osteological perspective.
Marta Hlad (Speaker), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Elisavet Stamataki (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Amanda Sengeløv (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Ioannis Kontopoulos (Contributor), Henrica Annaert (Contributor), Eugène Warmenbol (Contributor), Guy De Mulder (Contributor), Martine Vercauteren (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Christophe Snoeck (Contributor) & Dries Tys (Contributor)
5 Sep 2019 → 7 Sep 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Changes in funerary practices of Belgian Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Urnfields.
Elisavet Stamataki (Speaker), Christophe Snoeck (Contributor), Ioannis Kontopoulos (Contributor), Marta Hlad (Contributor), Barbara Veselka (Contributor), Henrica Annaert (Contributor), Mathieu Boudin (Contributor), Giacomo Capuzzo (Contributor), Sarah Dalle (Contributor), Charlotte Sabaux (Contributor), Kevin Salesse (Contributor), Amanda Sengeløv (Contributor), Eugène Warmenbol (Contributor), Dries Tys (Contributor) & Guy De Mulder (Contributor)
7 Sep 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2015
Christophe Snoeck (Speaker)
1 Nov 2015 → 4 Nov 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
UK Archaeological Science Conference 2015
Christophe Snoeck (Speaker)
8 Apr 2015 → 11 Apr 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Irish Isotope Research Group Meeting 2015
Christophe Snoeck (Speaker)
23 Sep 2015 → 25 Sep 2015Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference