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Personalised rehabilitation to improve return to work in patients with persistent spinal pain syndrome type II after spinal cord stimulation implantation: a study protocol for a 12-month randomised controlled trial - the OPERA study
Maarten Moens (Contributor), Lisa Goudman (Contributor), Dominique Van De Velde (Contributor), Lode Godderis (Contributor), Koen Putman (Contributor), Jonas Callens (Presenter), Olivia Lavreysen (Contributor), Dries Ceulemans (Contributor), Laurence Leysen (Contributor) & Ann De Smedt (Contributor)
10 Mar 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
The effectiveness of paramedical interventions or rehabilitation programmes to improve work participation in patients with chronic spinal pain after spinal surgery: a systematic review
Jonas Callens (Speaker), Olivia Lavreysen (Contributor), Lisa Goudman (Contributor), Ann De Smedt (Contributor), Koen Putman (Contributor), Dominique Van De Velde (Contributor), Lode Godderis (Contributor), Dries Ceulemans (Contributor) & Maarten Moens (Contributor)
21 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
The effectiveness of paramedical interventions or rehabilitation programmes to improve work participation in patients with chronic spinal pain after spinal surgery: a systematic review
Jonas Callens (Speaker), Olivia Lavreysen (Contributor), Lisa Goudman (Contributor), Ann De Smedt (Contributor), Koen Putman (Contributor), Dominique Van De Velde (Contributor), Lode Godderis (Contributor), Dries Ceulemans (Contributor) & Maarten Moens (Contributor)
22 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference