Projects per year
Personal profile
Eleni De Becker is an assistant professor (Free University Brussels) and a substitute professor (KU Leuven) in (EU, comparative and national) social security law. Eleni focuses on fundamental social rights from a comparative, international and European perspective, as well as the social security protection for atypical workers and the role of the EU.
Eleni worked as a teaching and research assistant from 2013-2018 at the Institute for Social Law – KU Leuven focusing on EU, international and Belgian social security law. In 2017-2018 Eleni was also a research assistant for the Institute of European law at the KU Leuven, where she assisted professor Elise Muir in organizing several workshops, international conferences and a lunch seminar series. Eleni defended her PhD research on the right to social security in the EU in September 2018 at the KU Leuven, and immediately took up a position as a lawyer for a Brussel-based law firm (2018-2021). She worked on cases of EU, international and Belgian labour law and social security law and fundamental social rights. She combined her work as a lawyer with a position as a lecturer (replacement) responsible for a course on Belgian social security law at the KU Leuven (2019-2020) and a position as a (part-time) postdoctoral researcher at the KU Leuven (2020-2021). Since October 2021, Eleni returned to academia on a full-time basis, where she worked on the Horizon 2020 project “WorkYP: Working Yet Poor”. As of October 2021, Eleni took up her position as an assistant professor at the Free University Brussels.
Eleni has been invited to speak at several meetings and conferences and has published different articles on fundamental social rights, EU social security law and the social security coverage of atypical workers. Since 2021 she is also responsible for the case law reports for cases dealing with social security before the European Court of Human Rights and the European Committee of Social Rights for the European Journal of Social Security. Eleni is also a member of the Board of Directors of BEGASOZ (2022), and part of the work group on atypical work in the European Institute for Social Security (2021). Recently, she has also advised both Belgian and Dutch social security institutions on matters of social security.
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