Projects per year
Personal profile
- advisor of European Crime prevention Network (EUCPN)
Education/Academic qualification
Master in sociology, Doctor in criminology
- 1 Similar Profiles
VLOV160: Research into the profile and approach of teenage pimps
De Melo Melgaço, L. & Enhus, E.
1/03/22 → 30/09/23
Project: Fundamental
FOD66: Uitwerking van een methodologie betreffende de evaluatie van de impact van de strategische veiligheids- en preventieplannen - deel 2.
Enhus, E., Leys, M., Bauwens, T. & Smeets, S.
1/04/18 → 30/09/18
Project: Fundamental
SRP44: Crime & Society: New Challenges
De Melo Melgaço, L., Snacken, S., Snacken, S., De Melo Melgaço, L., Beyens, K., Christiaens, J., De Kimpe, S., Dumortier, E., Enhus, E. & Verfaillie, K.
1/11/17 → 31/10/24
Project: Fundamental
De Hert, P., Weatherburn, A., Top, S., Rigotti, C., Enhus, E., De Koster, M. & Briere, C.
2/01/17 → 1/01/19
Project: Fundamental
Rapportage onderzoek tienerpooiers: Profiel en aanpak
Demarée, C., Enhus, E. & Melgaço, L., 1 Sep 2023, Brussel: Vakgroep Criminologie, VUB. 131 p.Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report › Research
File33 Downloads (Pure) -
Urban voices episode 3: Podcast: interview with Els Enhus on women navigating the city
Enhus, E., 20 Dec 2022Research output: Non-textual form › Digital or Visual Products
The Spatial Dimension of Justice: A Reflection on Prostitution in Brussels
Melgaço, L. & Enhus, E., 2021, Sonja Snacken: een redelijk eigenzinnige humaniste.Un humaniste engagé. An inspiring humanist.: An Inspiring Humanist. Beyens, K., Humblet, D., Tubex, H., Vanhoucke, A-S. & Verfaillie, K. (eds.). Brussel: VUB Press, p. 77-86 10 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › Research › peer-review
Open AccessFile156 Downloads (Pure) -
Literature study: The effects of reduced public lighting on crime, fear of crime, and road safety
Struyf, P., Enhus, E., Bauwens, T. & Melgaço, L., 31 Jan 2019, 40 p.Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report › Research
File245 Downloads (Pure) -
Verminderen van openbare verlichting: impact op veiligheid en criminaliteit: Praktijkgids voor lokale besturen
Struyf, P., Enhus, E., Melgaço, L. & Bauwens, T., 2019, 22 p.Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report
Open Access
Women’s voices on using the city
Els Enhus (Keynote speaker)
19 Dec 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Women’s nightly fear of crime. Could adapted public lighting offer a solution?
Els Enhus (Speaker) & Parinaz Pajouyan (Contributor)
20 Jul 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Lighting the night Crime, fear of crime and public lighting
Els Enhus (Speaker)
4 Jul 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Impactevaluatie van overlastprojecten
Els Enhus (Speaker) & Tom Bauwens (Speaker)
29 Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Aanbevelingen over de rol van het slachtoffer in de GAS-bemiddelingsprocedure
Els Enhus (Speaker)
25 Oct 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
De burgemeester heeft de plicht de burger te beschermen. En ja, protesterende studenten zijn óók burgers
Katrien Vanlerberghe, Marijke Caroline Van Buggenhout, Jenneke Christiaens, Bram Visser, Steven Debbaut, Sofie De Kimpe, Els Enhus, Julie Caluwaerts, Lucas De Melo Melgaço, Mattias Lucien De Backer, Els Dumortier, Rosamunde Elise Van Brakel & Floris Liekens
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Expert Comment
(On)evenredigheid bij tuchtstraffen binnen de geïntegreerde politie: status questionis
Author: Terryn, Y., Enhus, E. & Van Dyck, S., 2016Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Interactions entre policiers et population dan l'espace public.: Des ajustements du cadre d'experience policière aux routine d'interactions orinaires
Author: Enhus, E. & De Man, C., 3 Mar 2015Supervisor: Smeets, S. (External person) (Promotor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Quand le plan zonal de sécurité recontre la police locale: Aanlyse sociologique du processus de traduction d'un artefact d'action publique
Author: Enhus, E. & Croquet, A., 21 Oct 2016Supervisor: Schoenaers, F. (External person) (Promotor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis