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Alterations in Muscular Usage during Savate Matches
Author: Fonteyn, D., Baeyens, J., Clarys, P., Serrien, B., Van Daele, U. & Knaepen, K., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Analyse van de romp en polsgewricht bij het gebruik van vuurwapens door pollitie-agenten door middel van infrarood en 3D opnames: pilootstudie
Author: Elsocht, G., Provyn, S., Serrien, B., Baeyens, J. & Vantieghem, S., 2017Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Analyse van sEMG-patronen met wavelet analyse tijdens repetitieve counter motion jumps: een pilootstudie
Author: Maes, D. & Baeyens, J., 2016Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Anatomical and magnetic resonance imaging investigation of the myodural bridges
Author: Cnockaert, E., Dammak, Y., Cattrysse, E., Baeyens, J., Van Vlasselaer, N., Scafoglieri, A. & Vijverman, V., 7 Sep 2018Student thesis: Master-after-master
Bewegingsanalyse van de volleybal spike: prestatie en 3D kinematica
Author: De Cleyn, E., Genbrugge, C., Baeyens, J., Cattrysse, E. & Waeyaert, P., 2016Student thesis: Master-after-master
Biomechanics and coordination of a volleyball spike motion in junior top level volleyball players : First ot-utcomes of a longitudinal follow-up
Author: Ooijen, J., Baeyens, J., Serrien, B., Van Daele, U. & Swinnen, E., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Biomechanics and coordination of a volleyball spike motion in junior top level volleyball players: First outcomes of a longitudinal follow-up.
Author: Ooijen, J. & Baeyens, J., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Comparison of the pro/supination components of forearm motion throughout the acceleration phase of handball throwing calculated by means of anatomical markers versus a forearm plate
Author: Bremmers, H., Op den Kamp, J., Baeyens, J. & Scafoglieri, A., 2013Student thesis: Master-after-master
Comparison of the rotation components of forearm motion throughout the acceleration phase of handball throwing calculated by means of anatomical markers versus a forearm plate
Author: Op den Kamp, J., Bremmers, H., Baeyens, J. & Cattrysse, E., 2013Student thesis: Master-after-master
Comparison of the rotation components of forearm motion throughout the acceleration phase of handball throwing calculated by means of anatomical markers versus a forearm plate
Author: Bremmers, H., Op den Kamp, J., Baeyens, J. & Scafoglieri, A., 2013Student thesis: Master-after-master
De Biomechanica van de werp arm in de cricket bowling actie. Een analyse door middel van inverse dynamica.
Author: Curtil, L., Baeyens, J., Serrien, B., Van Daele, U. & Knaepen, K., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
De correlatie tussen de Kenny music performance anxiety inventory (K-MPAI) score en de cervicale range of motion (ROM) bij conservatorium studenten die piano spelen - een cross-sectioneel onderzoek.
Author: Aguirre, S. B. & Baeyens, J., 2018Student thesis: Master's Thesis
De invloed van performance stress op de elektromyografische activiteit van de rechter M. Trapezius pars ascendens bij professionele violisten
Author: Smets, K., Baeyens, J. & Scafoglieri, A., 2015Student thesis: Master-after-master
De Invloed van performance stress op de Heart Rate Variability bij professionele muzikanten: een pilootstudie.
Author: Gonçalves Soares, L., Baeyens, J. & Cattrysse, E., 2014Student thesis: Master's Thesis
De voetafwijking bij gymnasten : een cross-sectionele studie
Author: Smets, T., Zinzen, E., Baeyens, J., Knaepen, K. & Swinnen, E., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Effecten van het spelen van trage, snelle en technische partituren en etude segmenten op het activatie patroon van het bovenste deel van de trapezius spier (pars descendens) bij conservatorium piano studenten – Analyse en discussie van de resultaten van een pilootstudie.
Author: Cortvriend, J. & Baeyens, J., 2020Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Effects of repetitive piano playing on the EMG patterning of the wrist extensors
Author: De Koninck, C., Baeyens, J., Cattrysse, E. & Swinnen, E., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Effects of repetitive piano playing on the EMG patterning of the wrist extensors
Author: De Koninck, C., Baeyens, J. & Cattrysse, E., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Game-related statistics determining winning and losing records in men's professional basketball
Author: Thiry, D., Baeyens, J. & Zinzen, E., 2018Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Gewrichtskoppeling en Coördinatie van de Aanval in Volleybal
Author: Decoene, J. & Baeyens, J., 2018Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Het effect van de repetitie tijd en repertoire snelheid op deltoideus en trapezius EMG in conservatorium piano studenten.
Author: Baeyens, J., 2020Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Intra-season movement variability in junior top level team handball players
Author: Bosmans, K., Baeyens, J., Serrien, B. & Cattrysse, E., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Intra-season movement variability in junior top level team handball players
Author: Bosmans, K., Baeyens, J., Cattrysse, E. & Van Daele, U., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Kinematische vergelijking van de polsbeweging tijdens de verschillende opstellingen van de kleine trom bij drummers
Author: De Groef, R., Baeyens, J. & Cattrysse, E., 2014Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Longitudinaal onderzoek naar bewegingsvariabiliteit bij de volleybal aanvalsbeweging - relaties met prestatie en groei: Nieuwe inzichten in prestatie en bewegingsvariabiliteit
Author: Van Hautegem, E., Beckers, J., Baeyens, J., Serrien, B. & Cattrysse, E., 2017Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Longitudinaal onderzoek naar bewegingsvariabiliteit bij de volleybal aanvalsbeweging - relaties met prestatie en groei.
Author: Beckers, J. & Baeyens, J., 2017Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Motion analysis in the volleybal spike - coordination and performance variability
Author: Curtil, L., Baeyens, J., Cattrysse, E. & Buzzatti, L., 2016Student thesis: Master-after-master
Orientation of the intervertebral foramen in the cervical vertebrae
Author: Tuynman, J., Cattrysse, E., Moens, M., Scafoglieri, A. & Baeyens, J., 2016Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Pelvic floor muscle activation components in urinary continent and stress urinary incontinent women
Author: Luginbuehl, H., Baeyens, J., Radlinger, L., Kuhn, A. & Cattrysse, E., 9 Dec 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Pelvic floor muscle activation components in urinary continent and stress urinary incontinent women
Author: Luginbuehl, H., Baeyens, J., Radlinger, L. & Kuhn, A., 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis
Postural control in repetitive archery: a pilot study
Author: Steeno, J., Baeyens, J., Serrien, B. & Cattrysse, E., 2013Student thesis: Master-after-master
Postural control on a simulation horse (TMS system): a pilot study
Author: van der Heijden, I., Baeyens, J. & Cattrysse, E., 2014Student thesis: Master-after-master
Prognostic factors for recovery after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, part II A prospetive study
Author: Fermont, A., Baeyens, J., de Bie, R. A. & Scafoglieri, A., 2014Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Rehabilitating the anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed knee towards a functional stable knee.
Author: Baeyens, J. & Cabri, J., 1992Supervisor: Cabri, J. (Promotor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Spiervezelactivatie tijdens recreatief skiën
Author: De Maeyer, F., Aerenhouts, D., Baeyens, J., Serrien, B. & Roelands, B., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The correlation between quadriceps muscle strength and bone marrow lesions in patients with knee osteoarthritis : a cross-sectional study
Author: Lippens, W., Vaes, P., Beckwee, D., Baeyens, J. & Shahabpour, M., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The effect of music performance anxiety on muscle tension in young violinists.
Author: Vijverman, T., Plattiau, T. & Baeyens, J., 2020Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The effect of repetitive playing on muscle activation patterning of the right upper trapezius in conservatory pianists
Author: Van den Broeck, J., Baeyens, J., Serrien, B. & Scafoglieri, A., 2017Student thesis: Master-after-master
The effect van repetitiesessies op de EMG activiteit van de M. Deltoideus, pars anterior en M. Trapezius, pars descendent bij violisten: een piloot studie.
Author: Viroux, L. & Baeyens, J., 2017Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The influence of central sensitization on the pain sensitivity of knee osteoarthritis patients.
Author: Vandebriel, D., Vaes, P., Adriaenssens, N. & Baeyens, J., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The influence of central sensitization on the pain sensitivity of knee osteoarthritis patients.
Author: Vaes, P., Vandebriel, D., Beckwee, D., Adriaenssens, N. & Baeyens, J., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The presence of foot types in judokas and matched controls: a cross-sectional study.
Author: de Bart, S., Franken, M., Baeyens, J., Tresignie, J. & Van Cutsem, J., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The wavelet analysis of sEMG as a tool to measure muscular fatigue during a counter motion jump in healthy adults : a pilot study
Author: Hooft, J., Baeyens, J., Serrien, B., Van Daele, U. & Swinnen, E., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Three-dimensional cervical spine kinematics: effect of wearing a helmet on active head movements of asymptomatic subjects using helical axis method
Author: van Houten, J., Kuijlaars, P. J. A., Cattrysse, E., Baeyens, J. & Buzzatti, L., 2017Student thesis: Master-after-master
Three-dimensional kinematics of the trunk and the pelvis when walking slower than normal in young and older healthy persons
Author: Guldentops, L., Baeyens, J., Kerckhofs, E., Swinnen, E. & Cattrysse, E., 2013Student thesis: Master-after-master
Validering van een manuele test voor de lateraalflexie van de thoracale wervelkolom en zijn relatie tot voorkeursbewegen
Author: van Hogezand, M., Rutte, J. G., Van Roy, P., Cattrysse, E., Scafoglieri, A., Baeyens, J. & Lagrin, S., 2016Student thesis: Master-after-master
Wat ishet spiervezel rekruteringspatroon in functie van vermoeidheid bij gezonde judoka's (18-45jaar) ?
Author: Ghysels, S., Clarys, P., Baeyens, J. & Serrien, B., 2016Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Wedstrijdanalyse met Neurale Netwerken. Een studie in NBA-basketbal.
Author: Lynen, J., Baeyens, J. & Zinzen, E., 2016Student thesis: Master's Thesis
What is the influence of a sitting wedge on muscular activity while playing the piano? A case-and literature study.
Author: Schroyen, L., Van Gijsegem, G. F., Baeyens, J. & Serrien, B., 2020Student thesis: Master's Thesis