Bruno Tassignon
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Unpaid employee, postdoctoral researcher
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group
Person: Researcher
Romain Meeusen
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Undefined
- Vriendenkring VUB - Emeritus
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group
Person: Sympathiser, Researcher
Kevin De Pauw
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - postdoctoral researcher
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group
Person: Researcher
Bert Pluym
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Practice assistant
Person: Researcher
Emilie Dick
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Scientific employee
Person: Researcher
Jelle Habay
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - doctoral student
- Faculty of Physical Education and Physical Therapy
- Teacher Education
Person: Researcher, PhD, Master's Programme
Hortense Corlùy
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Unpaid employee
Person: Researcher
Emiel Van Trijffel
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Undefined
- Experimental Anatomy
Person: Researcher, Guest professor
Emilie Schampheleer
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Doctoral scholarschip
- Faculty of Physical Education and Physical Therapy
Person: Researcher, PhD
Luk Buyse
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Practice assistant
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group
Person: Researcher
Ben Serrien
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Undefined
- Experimental Anatomy
Person: Researcher
Jean-Pierre Baeyens
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Unpaid employee
- Experimental Anatomy
Person: Researcher
Dominique Verté
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Rectorate - Unpaid employee, Undefined
- Brussels Centre for Urban Studies
Person: Researcher
Peter Vaes
- UZBrussel
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Undefined
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - UZB Researcher
- Vriendenkring VUB - Emeritus
Person: Sympathiser, Researcher
Nico De Witte
Person: Researcher
Arnau Dillen
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Informatics and Applied Informatics - postdoctoral researcher
- Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy Research Group
Person: Researcher
Christophe Eechaute
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Physiotherapy, Human Physiology and Anatomy - Practice assistant
- Rehabilitation Research
Person: Researcher
Roald Bahr
- Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
- Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital
External person
François Fourchet
- Hôpital de la Tour
- Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de biologie de la Motricité
External person
Barry Andrews
- Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science
- University of the Western Cape
External person
university cap
External person
Raven Schippers
- Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science
- University of the Western Cape
External person
Alli Gokeler
External person
Roel De Ridder
External person
Mati Arend
External person
Carlo Ramponi
External person
D Reid
External person
S Lee
External person
Eleni Kapreli
External person
Jorrit Jetten
External person
Roland Rössler
External person
D Wang
External person
L Herrington
External person
M Smith
External person
Anne Benjaminse
External person
A Macalusco
External person
R Cooke
External person
O Oweye
External person
M. Terada
External person
Nicky van Melick
External person
Armi Hirvonen
External person
T Bandholm
External person
Maria Constantinou
External person
K Thorborg
External person
P Glasgow
External person
L Mendonça
External person
Floris Lauwens
External person
R Whiteley
External person