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IMINDS1: Kenniscentrum Mediawijsheid
Van Audenhove, L., Segers, K., Pauwels, C. & Pierson, J.
21/12/12 → 31/12/14
Project: Fundamental
OZR2426: Bilateral cooperation in the framework of mutual doctoral projects: Bench fee joint PhD VUB-UGent: Lieselotte Goessens
1/10/12 → 1/10/17
Project: Fundamental
VLW132: MEDIAMON: Steunpunt Media Monitoring:
Pauwels, C., Segers, K., Sinardet, D., Biltereyst, D., De Marez, L., Walgrave, S., Valcke, P., Van Den Bulck, H., D'haenens, L., Van Gorp, B. & Raeymaeckers, K.
1/01/12 → 31/03/16
Project: Fundamental
GIFT122: Gift with specific goal: Corelio Leerstoel Media and Society
1/10/11 → 1/10/14
Project: Fundamental
RDHW4: Wetenschapscommunicatie in de media: kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve analyses van publieke wetenschappelijke beeldvorming.
Van Bendegem, J. P., Segers, K. & Pauwels, C.
1/01/11 → 31/12/14
Project: Fundamental
VLV148: Onderzoek naar standpunten en knelpunten in het journalistieke werkveld en de audiovisuele productiesector (talentmanagement)
1/07/10 → 29/10/10
Project: Fundamental
ADSI217: Research agreement: guidance of doctoral project Lieselotte Goessens
1/10/09 → 31/12/12
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL417: Beyond patronizing? The area of tension between educationalization and commercialization in the lifeworld of children.
1/01/07 → 31/12/10
Project: Fundamental
EU270: EUKidsOnline (EU KIDSONLINE) :
Bauwens, J. R., Carpentier, N., Segers, K. & Farrel, A.
26/06/06 → 25/06/09
Project: Fundamental
OZR1292: Public and private initiative regarding orchestras and concert organisations in Brussels between 1830 and 1940: an explorative, interdisciplinary source investigation on the initiative, institutionalisation, financing, programming and audience.
Van Den Buys, C., Segers, K. & Buyens, K.
1/01/06 → 1/12/07
Project: Fundamental
VLV63: Policy Support Centre Re-creative Flanders
Nulens, G., Elchardus, M., Pauwels, C., Segers, K., Claeys, J., Stevens, F., Glorieux, I., Vandebroeck, D., Moens, M., Colpaert, J., Laermans, R. & Waege, H.
1/12/01 → 31/12/06
Project: Fundamental