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ANI384: Opties voor laagdrempelige Nederlandskundige zorgverlening in de Brusselse wachtposten
Roex, A., Fobelets, M., Putman, K. & Verhaeghe, N.
22/04/24 → 31/10/24
Project: Fundamental
BASGO31: OZR Basisfinanciering voor Grote Onderzoeksgroepen - REDM
1/01/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Fundamental
OZR4253: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB - KU Leuven, COREMANS Marjan
20/12/23 → 19/12/27
Project: Fundamental
OZR4247: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB - KU Leuven, VANDENBULCKE Bo
22/11/23 → 21/11/27
Project: Fundamental
VLOV132: Health economic evaluations and studies of the Flemish (preventive) health policy
22/03/21 → 31/03/25
Project: Fundamental
OZR1885: Research alliance group VUB-UGent 'Interuniversity Center for Health Economics Research (I-CHER). VUB:Prof. Koen Putman/UGent: Prof.Lieven Annemans, voorzitter.
Leys, M., Jegers, M., Putman, K., Annemans, L. & De Bacquer, D.
13/05/09 → 31/12/27
Project: Fundamental
OZR3813: Bonus Social Valorisation - award 9 (2020-2021): K.Putman
1/10/21 → 30/09/23
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL979: RESTORE: REalistic forecaSTing, cOntrol and pREparedness for coming COVID-19 waves
Barbé, K., Putman, K., Hens, N., Baetens, J., Nopens, I., Abrams , S., Pien, K. & De Ridder, M.
22/05/20 → 21/05/21
Project: Fundamental
ANI244: Brain injuries in children: improving towards adequate and novel care trajectories
10/12/19 → 9/12/21
Project: Fundamental
BRGCON6: Connect 2019: OptiMUM: Safely reducing unnecessary caeserean section to optimize maternal and child death
16/02/19 → 15/04/19
Project: Applied
FWOTM902: The role of pain cognitions in healthcare utilization in patients undergoing surgery for lumbar radiculopathy: A multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial
Nijs, J., Huysmans, E. & Putman, K.
1/10/18 → 30/09/22
Project: Fundamental
IWT706: Health care after traffic accidents: development and valorisation of personalised prediction models (Care-GPS)
Putman, K. & Van Belleghem, G.
1/01/15 → 31/12/18
Project: Fundamental
VLOV3: Verbeteren van de drinkwatervoorraad, hygiëne en sanitair voor de Badu gemeenschap in de Brong Ahafo region en de Suke gemeenschap in de noordwestelijke regio van Ghana (Subsidie in kader van de werking van het Vlaams Partnerschap Water voor Ontwikkeling voor 2014)
Boon, E. & Putman, K.
1/01/15 → 31/12/17
Project: Fundamental
SRP36: SRP (Groeiers): OPTIMUS – Optimization of stroke care
Brouns, R., Putman, K. & Dupont, A.
1/03/14 → 28/02/19
Project: Fundamental
DWTC299: SOCOST : Sociale kost van legale en illegale drugs in België
Annemans, L., Putman, K., Annemans, L., Pauwels, L., Vander Laenen, F. & Hardyns, W.
31/12/13 → 31/12/17
Project: Fundamental
VLW137: Gezondheidseconomische aspecten van bevolkingsonderzoeken naar kanker in Vlaanderen.
6/09/13 → 7/09/15
Project: Fundamental
GIFT150: Tijdelijke Leerstoel-op-naam/onderzoek : KPMG : Leerstoel Health Economics
Annemans, L., Putman, K. & Annemans, L.
29/05/13 → 31/05/15
Project: Fundamental
IRP1: Towards sustainable transport: the development of External Cost Calculator for sustainable transport scenario's
Van Lier, T., Mommens, K., Van Raemdonck, K., Macharis, C., Canters, F. & Putman, K.
1/01/12 → 31/12/16
Project: Fundamental
OZR2283: A model-based approach for evaluating the safety and environmental effects of traffic policy measures
1/01/12 → 31/03/12
Project: Fundamental
IWT412: A model-based approach for evaluating the safety and environmental effects of traffic policy measures.
Putman, K., Macharis, C., Dhondt, S., Proot, D., Wets, G., Int Panis, L., Vis, M. A. & Holvoet, T.
1/01/08 → 31/12/11
Project: Fundamental
VLL40: The Policy Research Center Mobility & Public Works, track Traffic Safety.
Macharis, C., Putman, K., Vermote, L. & Proot, D.
1/01/07 → 31/12/11
Project: Fundamental
DWTC228: A Multiscalar and Multiagent Modelling Framework for Assessing Sustainable Futures in a Globalised Environment - MULTIMODE.(Phase 1, Phase 2)
Van Herzele, A., Gf, D., Putman, K., Proot, D., Henry De Frahan, B. & Engelen, G.
15/12/06 → 30/06/11
Project: Fundamental
BRGEOZ87: Prenatale zorg in Brussel. Analyse van zorgtrajecten en hun determinanten. (Onderzoeker:Katrien BEECKMAN)
Beeckman, K., Putman, K. & Louckx, F.
1/01/06 → 14/04/10
Project: Fundamental
EU144: Collaborative evaluation of rehabilitation in stroke across Europe (CERISE).
1/01/02 → 28/02/06
Project: Fundamental
OZR768: The role of socio-economic factors and the organisation of the revalidationcentre in the recuparation of adults hemiplegia patients.
1/01/02 → 31/12/03
Project: Fundamental