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IRP24: Studying the complex role of the environment in shaping practices and experiences of serious illness, caregiving, dying and grieving through interdisciplinary research and innovation in Compassionate Communities (COCO_ENV)
Cohen, J., Dury, S., Van den Block, L., Pivodic, L., De Donder, L., Dierckx, E., Smetcoren, A., Snoeck, C., De Backer, F., Lombaerts, K., Spruyt, B., De Moortel, D., Bekers, E., Aernouts, N., Ryckewaert, M., Van Droogenbroeck, F., Beeckman, K., Brosens, D., De Gieter, S. & Vanderstichelen, S.
1/11/24 → 31/10/29
Project: Fundamental