Activities per year
- 2 Talk or presentation at a conference
Follow the knowledge: A conceptual model of knowledge processes
Lise Peeters (Speaker)
2 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Follow The Knowledge: A conceptual model of knowledge processes
Lise Peeters (Speaker)
20 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
De mismatch tussen algoritmische eerlijkheidsdefinities en wat mensen écht eerlijk vinden.
Author: Ponet, J. A. L., Algaba, A. & Craninx, L., May 2024Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Exploring the Gender Gap in Academic Entrepreneurship in Belgium: Insights from PhD Students
Author: Movahed, M., Gruber, M. & Craninx, L., Aug 2024Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Hoe kunnen modebedrijven transitie maken naar een circulaire kledingindustrie?
Author: Ekmen, E., Macharis, C. & Craninx, L., Aug 2024Student thesis: Master's Thesis
In welke mate heeft telewerken invloed op het Empowering Leadership Behavior (ELB)?
Author: Jamai, L., Schreurs, B. H. & Craninx, L., Aug 2024Student thesis: Master's Thesis