Projects per year
Personal profile
Dr. Mathias Meert (°1989), Studium der Germanistik, Romanistik und Literaturwissenschaft an der Vrije Universiteit Brussel und der Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Seit Oktober 2012 Mitgleid des Centre for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (CLIC) an der VUB. 2012-2016: Arbeit an einer Dissertation über Intertextualität im dramatischen Werk Richard Beer-Hofmanns als Assistent für Forschung des FWO-Vlaanderen. 2017-2020: Oberassistent für Forschung des Fonds für wissenschaftliche Forschung - Flandern (FWO-Vlaanderen). Arbeit an einem Projekt über Performativität und Texttheatralität der literarischen Pantomime. Seit 2020: Postdoktorand der VUB, Forschung über die Performativität und Narrativität von Gesten im Nachkriegsdrama und -Theater.
Forschungsinteressen: Theater und Literatur der Wiener Moderne, Intertextualität und Intermedialität, Autorschaft und Schriftstellerinszenierungen, literarische Pantomimen, Narratologie des Dramas, Drama und Körperlichkeit, Mimik und Gestik in Drama und Theater
Dr. Mathias Meert (°1989) studied German and French linguistics and literary Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and literary studies at the KULeuven. He is a member of the Centre for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (CLIC) since 2012 and serves as its secretary since 2017. 2012-2016: PhD fellow of the FWO, PhD on intertextuality in the dramatic works of Richard Beer-Hofmann. 2017-2020: Postdoctoral researcher of the FWO, project on the narrativity, performativity and text-theatricality of the (German-language) literary pantomime. Since 2020: Postdoctoral researcher at the VUB, research on the performativity and narrativity of gestures in postwar drama and theatre.
Research topics: Theater and Literature of the (Wiener) Moderne, Intertextuality and Intermediality, Authorshop and Representations of Authorship, literary Pantomimes, Narratology of Drama, (German-language) Drama and Corporeality, Gestures in Drama and Theatre
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- 3 Finished
FWOTM881: Writing Pantomime: Genre Conventions and Developments of Text, Gesturality and Theatricality in German-Language Drama.
1/10/17 → 30/12/20
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM629: An intertextual analysis of Richard Beer-Hofmann's "Klassiker"-reception
1/10/12 → 30/09/16
Project: Fundamental
Hauthal, J., Meert, M., Peeters, A. & Van Hove, H., 21 Mar 2023, In: Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings. 7, 2, p. a1-a8 8 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
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Puppets in a Panic Room? Observations on Gesture and Pose in Susanne Kennedy's Fegefeuer in Ingolstadt
Meert, M., Sep 2023, Susanne Kennedy. Reanimating the Theatre. Arteel, I., Felber, S. & Van der Haven, C. (eds.). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, p. 59-73 15 p. (Forum Modernes Theater; no. 59).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
Review of: Piet Defraye, Helga Mitterbauer, and Chris Reyns-Chikuma, eds., Brussels 1900 Vienna: Networks in Literature, Visual and Performing Arts, and Other Cultural Practices. Leiden, Boston: Brill Rodopi, 2022, 453pp.
Meert, M., 2023, In: Journal of Austrian Studies. 56, 1, p. 79-82 4 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Book/Film/Article review
Wiederholung, Bearbeitung, Nachträglichkeit. Zur Pantomime zwischen historischer und Neoavantgarde am Beispiel Peter Handkes
Meert, M., Jan 2023, Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik. : Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive. Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Interntionalen Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG). Auteri, L., Barrale, N., Di Bella, A. & Hofmann, S. (eds.). Bern: Peter Lang , Vol. 9. p. 361-372Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
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Experiencing Palestine. Multisensorial Testimony in Felix Salten's Neue Menschen auf alter Erde
Meert, M., 2022, In: Image & Narrative. 23, 2, p. 28-43 15 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
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"La guerre est de retour": intermédialité, historicité et territorialité dans Kriegsfibel 2023 d'Alexander Kluge
Mathias Meert (Speaker)
13 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (Journal)
Mathias Meert (Editor), Ann Peeters (Editor), Janine Hauthal (Editor) & Hannah Van Hove (Editor)
21 Jun 2023Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Maske - Marionette - Rollenspiel. Intermedialität und Theatralität in Franz Bleis Zaubertheater
Mathias Meert (Speaker)
2 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a conference
Pierrot as a (Neo)baroque Poet? Commedia dell’arte, Theatricality and Intermediality in the Neo-avant-gardist Pantomime: The Case of H.C. Artmann
Mathias Meert (Speaker)
18 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (Journal)
Mathias Meert (Editor), Ann Peeters (Editor), Janine Hauthal (Editor), Andrea Penso (Editor) & Hannah Van Hove (Editor)
7 Mar 2022Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Identitätsbildung in Erzählungen Schnitzlers
Author: Meert, M., 2011Supervisor: Muller, H. M. (Promotor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Intertextualität im dramatischen Werk Richard Beer-Hofmanns
Author: Meert, M. & Vandevoorde, H., 19 Dec 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis