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IRP22: The Gerontopole Brussels - Centre of expertise for Gerontology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Central theme: Active & Healthy Ageing
Bautmans, I., Verté, D., Rossi, G., Dierckx, E., Clarys, P., Scafoglieri, A., Quinn, P., Jansen, B., Beckwée, D., Buyl, R. & Engelborghs, S.
1/04/23 → 31/03/28
Project: Fundamental
BOR80: Generation Z: Move 2 sustainabe nutrition.
Clarys, P., Deliens, T., Van Beneden, K. & Mertens, E.
1/07/22 → 30/06/23
Project: Fundamental
OZR3765: OZR Back-up mandate: A paradigm shift in rehabilitation for pediatric functional abdominal pain disorders
1/10/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Fundamental
AIIFUND75: Preventing the risk of undernutrition by fostering meal FORTIfication and PHYsical activity in older adult
1/04/21 → 31/03/24
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL1024: Prevention of unhealthy weight gain in families in pregnancy and postpartum using a mHealth-enhanced intervention.
1/04/21 → 30/06/24
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL880: Body weight, body composition and energy balance related behaviour during the transition to parenthood
Clarys, P. & Devlieger, R.
1/01/18 → 31/12/21
Project: Fundamental
OZR2875: Bilaterale samenwerking ikv gezamenlijke doctoraatsprojecten - Bench Fee ikv Joint PhD VUB-UGent, Verhoeven Hannah
22/04/15 → 30/09/17
Project: Fundamental
OZR2732: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of joint doctoral projects_Bench fee i.h.k. from Joint PhD VUB-UGent, Linde Van Hecke.
1/11/14 → 31/12/17
Project: Fundamental
OZR2503: Bilateral cooperation in the framework of mutual doctoral projects: bench fee for Joint PhD VUB-UGent, Ariane Ghekiere
1/06/13 → 31/05/14
Project: Fundamental
OZR2502: Bilateral cooperation in the framework of mutual doctoral projects: bench fee for Joint PhD VUB-UGent, Dorien Simons
1/06/13 → 31/05/14
Project: Fundamental
IRP3: The Gerontopole Brussels Centre of expertise of Gerontology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Bautmans, I., Clarys, P., Verté, D., De Donder, L., Kardol, M. J. M., Rossi, G., Dierckx, E., Clarys-Robion, J. P., De Hert, P., Jansen, B., Beyer, I. & Petrovic, M.
1/04/13 → 31/03/18
Project: Fundamental
VLW126: STEUNPUNT voor Beleidsrelevant Onderzoek (3de generatie)- beleidsdomein Sport: SPORT-Beheersovereenkomst (1/1/2012-31/12/2015)-SamenwerkingsovereenkomstWP1:Towards a sustainable sport for all policy in Flanders:...WP2:Study into factors contributing to continued development of talented/elite athletes..WP3:Prospective study of physical (in)activity, physical fitness & health related parameters of Flemish adults...
Theeboom, M., De Martelaer, K., Wylleman, P., De Bosscher, V., Clarys, P. & Van Hoecke, J.
1/01/12 → 31/12/15
Project: Policy Based
FWOAL585: More and safer mobility in adolescents: testing a conceptual framework to explain active and safe commuting in adolescents
Deforche, B., Clarys, P. & De Bourdeaudhuij, I.
1/01/11 → 31/10/14
Project: Fundamental
OZR2133: Relationship between critical environmental factors and physical activity: an experimental analysis
28/05/10 → 30/09/11
Project: Fundamental
BRGEOZ130-B: Addendum 2 bij de samenwerkingovereenkomst "Onderzoeksprogramma rond WiFI architectuur" van 20/12/2007. (Zie eerder ook BRGEOZ130 = Addendum 1)
Cornelis, J. P., Ballon, P., Jansen, B., Zinzen, E., Meeusen, R., Michiels, K., Lievens, B., De Troyer, O., Schelkens, P. & Clarys, P.
15/02/09 → 15/10/09
Project: Fundamental
OZR2398: Bilateral cooperation in the framework of mutual doctoral projects - Bench fee Joint PhD VUB-KUL, Evelien Mertens
3/01/07 → 3/01/11
Project: Fundamental
OZR992: Onderzoek naar aangepast bewegingsadvies bij obese kinderen.
1/01/04 → 31/12/05
Project: Fundamental
OZR784: Research for the eatbehavior of chidren; contribution of the meal in the feeding.
1/10/01 → 31/10/02
Project: Fundamental
OZR604: Study towards health related parameters and physical performance capacity in elderly vegetarians.
1/01/01 → 31/12/02
Project: Fundamental
OZR466: Explosivepower in professional dansers. Relation with creatine and diet.
1/01/00 → 31/12/00
Project: Fundamental
OZR465: Multigenerational study towards health related parameters and physical performance capacity in vegetarians.
1/01/00 → 31/12/01
Project: Fundamental