Projects per year
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CONO327: Internationaal colloquium "Food: Convergence and Divergence in Europe since 1800. Cuisine of Elites, Bourgeois and Middle Classes", Brussel 10-11 december 2010.
De Vooght, D., Van den Eeckhout, P., Teughels, N., Scholliers, P. & Jacobs, M.
26/07/10 → …
Project: Fundamental
CONO268: Conference on the historical use of images
Januarius, J., Teughels, N. & Scholliers, P.
3/02/09 → …
Project: Fundamental
CONO197: Exhibition 'From pièce montée to pêche melba. The artistocray and her desserts in the 19th and 20th centuries'
Scholliers, P., Van den Eeckhout, P. & Onghena, S.
16/05/06 → …
Project: Fundamental
IRP11: Interdisciplinary Research Program: Tradition and naturalness of animal products within a societal context of change.
Leroy, F., Ryckbosch, W., Brengman, M., Scholliers, P., Erdkamp, P. & De Vuyst, L.
1/01/18 → 31/12/24
Project: Fundamental
CONO618: Voedsel en drank onder het communistisch regime in Europa (Brussel 19-20/04/2018)
21/11/17 → 31/12/18
Project: Fundamental
OZR2979: Innovations and Identities: Eating and Drinking in and around Brussels’ Railway Stations (1835-1955)
1/10/16 → 30/09/17
Project: Fundamental
IRP7_a: Building Brussels. Brussels city builders and the production of space, 1794-2015
Wouters, I., Wouters, I., Bertels, I., Bertels, I., Deneweth, H., Ryckewaert, M., Scholliers, P., Sosnowska, P., Van de Voorde, S., van Heur, B., Verdonck, A. & Degraeve, M.
1/07/16 → 30/06/21
Project: Fundamental
OZR3184: Bilateral cooperation for joint PhD project: Bench Fee for Joint PhD VUB University of Southern Denmark, Vanhouche An-Sofie
1/01/16 → 31/12/17
Project: Fundamental
OZR2852: EU-bonuskrediet type B2a voor H2020-REFLECTIVE-6-2016
29/07/15 → 29/07/19
Project: Fundamental
OZR2876: Bilaterale samenwerking ikv gemeenschappelijk doctoraatsproject: Bench Fee voor Joint PhD VUB-KUL, Shkodrova-Desmet Albena
1/05/15 → 31/12/19
Project: Fundamental
CONO509: Conference: "Vertrouwen in de hand die ons voedt. De evolutie van vertrouwen in voeding bevatten", Brussels 7/9/2015 - 9/9/2015
Scholliers, P. & Degreef, F.
16/04/15 → 9/12/15
Project: Fundamental
OZR2506: Canned progress? The image of preserved food in Belgium and the Netherlands in the twentieth century (FWO)
1/10/13 → 30/09/14
Project: Fundamental
CONO437: Food and international exhibitions in the 19th and 20th centuries (ICREFH Colloquium, Brussels 17 to 20 September 2013)
Scholliers, P., Monard, E. & Halloin, V.
11/04/13 → 31/12/13
Project: Fundamental
CONI437: INSCHRIJVINGEN Voeding en (inter)nationale tentoonstellingen in de 19de en 20ste eeuw (Brussel: 17/9/2013-20/09/2013)
11/04/13 → 31/12/13
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL655: Food in prisons
Vanhouche, A., Beyens, K. & Scholliers, P.
1/01/13 → 31/12/16
Project: Fundamental
IRP2: Food quality, safety, and trust since 1950: Societal Controversy and Biotechnical Challenges
Degreef, F., Scholliers, P., Van den Eeckhout, P., De Vuyst, L. & Leroy, F.
1/01/13 → 31/12/17
Project: Fundamental
CONI428: INSCHRIJVINGEN: Conferentie: Voeding en hospitalen: historische benadering (Brussel: 26/4/2013-27/04/2013)
6/12/12 → 31/12/13
Project: Fundamental
CONO428: Conferentie: Voeding en hospitalen : historische benadering (Brussel: 26/4/2013-27/04/2013)
Scholliers, P. & Scholliers, P.
6/12/12 → 31/07/13
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM658: ‘Belgian’ food culture as a marker of national identity at the World Expositions (London 1851 to Shangai 2010). A historical-archaeological analysis.
Scholliers, P. & Teughels, N.
1/10/12 → 30/09/16
Project: Fundamental
CONO366: Conferentie: A taste of home - Dat smaakt naar thuis. Voeding, identiteit, plaats en herinnering in Europa vanuit een historisch perspectief (19e en 20e eeuw)
De Maret, O., Geyzen, A., Van den Eeckhout, P. & Scholliers, P.
9/02/12 → 10/02/12
Project: Fundamental
BRGE49: FOST voor Brusselicious
Teughels, N., Scholliers, P., Van den Eeckhout, P., Jacobs, M. & Marette, O.
1/01/12 → 31/10/13
Project: Fundamental
OZR1889: Performing power at the dining table. Culinary networks at the Belgian royal court in the nineteenth century.
Scholliers, P. & De Vooght, D.
1/05/10 → 30/04/11
Project: Fundamental
GOA69: Omnivore paradoxes in history. Food traditions and novelties in Europe since 1800.
Parys, N., Scheire, W., Scholliers, P., Tys, D., Van de Craen, P., Elias, W., Glorieux, I., Van den Eeckhout, P. & Daniels, S.
1/01/10 → 31/12/14
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL574: Unfamiliarity - The deconstruction of borders and unfamiliarity in the European Union: an analysis of historical representations of otherness and contemporary daily practices in border regions.
Arijs, K., Scholliers, P. & Knotter, A.
1/01/10 → 31/12/13
Project: Fundamental
OZR1888: Construction of Identity: daily life, meeting places, and image of Italian migrants in Brussels, 1880 -1935
Scholliers, P. & De Maret, O.
1/10/09 → 30/09/13
Project: Fundamental
HOA21: Artisan quality of fermented foods: myth, reality, perceptions and constructions
Geyzen, A., Scholliers, P., De Vuyst, L. & Leroy, F.
1/01/09 → 31/12/12
Project: Fundamental
CONO251: "Luxe in de lage landen. Beschouwingen over Nederlandse en Vlaamse materiële cultuur" - Brussel, 6-8 november 2008
Scholliers, P. & Rittersma, R.
9/06/08 → 30/11/08
Project: Fundamental
OZR1547: Is everybody black in the mine? Material culture and daiy life of the Limburg miners, 1900 - 1960
Januarius, J. & Scholliers, P.
1/10/07 → 30/09/11
Project: Fundamental
GOA43: Convergence and Diversity: food history in Europe since the late 18th century
Teughels, N., De Vooght, D., Scholliers, P., Mestdag, I., Jacobs, M., Tys, D., Van den Berghe, S., Glorieux, I., Van de Craen, P., Van den Eeckhout, P. & Elias, W.
1/01/05 → 31/12/09
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL279: The Labor Market of Minders in Belgian and Dutch Limburg (1900 - 1980): convergence and divergence
Januarius, J., Scholliers, P. & Delbroek, B.
1/01/04 → 31/12/07
Project: Fundamental
OZR809: The detraditionalization of the Flemish eating pattern: reality or rumour? A research for change in Flemish eating habits considering time, place, company and prevailing standards.
Glorieux, I., Scholliers, P. & Mestdag, I.
1/01/03 → 31/12/06
Project: Fundamental
FWOAL207: Biography Ernest Ezra Mandel (1923-1995).
Scholliers, P., Vanthemsche, G. & Witte, E.
1/01/02 → 31/12/05
Project: Fundamental
DWTC82: Sustainable development of product systems, 1800-2000.
Scholliers, P. & De Vooght, D.
7/12/01 → 31/12/05
Project: Fundamental
CONO81: Colloquium: Eating Outdoors in Europe, 1800 - 2000 (Alden Biesen, Belgium, 10 - 14 October 2001)
1/02/01 → 31/12/02
Project: Fundamental
CONI81: INSCHRIJVINGEN : Colloquium : Eating Outdoors (Alden Biesen) van 10 tot 14 oktober 2001
1/02/01 → 31/12/02
Project: Fundamental
OZR133: Social history of mines in Limburg. (1917-1985) Working relations, working circumstances,wages, syndicalism.
1/01/98 → 31/12/98
Project: Fundamental
SF15: A historical reconstruction of the contribution of Ernest Mandel till the postwar politics and economical thinking.
Scholliers, P., Frantzen, D., Witte, E. & Gutwirth, S.
1/01/97 → 31/12/98
Project: Fundamental
1971111150: A historic reconstruction of the contribution of Ernest Mandel till after the war politic and economic thoughts.
Corijn, E., Witte, E. & Scholliers, P.
1/01/97 → 31/12/97
Project: Fundamental