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De invloed van occipital release op de cervicale range of motion, de hoofdrelocatie accuraatheid en de hoofdpositie bij personen zonder klachten en/of pijn in de cervicale regio
Author: Loyez, L., Vaes, P. & Cattrysse, E., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
De invloed van occipital release op de cervicale range of motion, de hoofdrelocatie accuraatheid en de hoofdpositie bij personen zonder klachten en/of pijn in de cervicale regio
Author: Vaes, P., Loyez, L., Cattrysse, E. & Malfliet, A., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
De prognostische waarde van de Multiple Hop Test voor voorste kruisbandletsels: een cohort studie
Author: Feiner, D., Vaes, P., Eechaute, C. & Cattrysse, E., 2015Student thesis: Master-after-master
Differences in motor control and abdominal muscle recruitment patterns between healthy subjects and patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain
Author: Luca, B., Vaes, P., Van Daele, U., Rombouts, T. & Scafoglieri, A., 2014Student thesis: Master-after-master
Effectiveness of motor control therapy in patients with persisting nonspecific low back pain: A pretest-posttest design with a literature review and quality judgement
Author: Eggermont, M., Vaes, P., Van Daele, U. & Cattrysse, E., 2011Student thesis: Master-after-master
Effect of an aerobic and strengthening exercise program on bone marrow lesion volume in knee osteoarthritis: a pilot randomized clinial trial
Author: Rommers, N., Muyldermans, R., Vaes, P., Beckwee, D. & Scafoglieri, A., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Effect of an aerobic and strentghening exercise program on bone marrow lesion volume in knee osteoarthritis: a pilot randomized clinical trial.
Author: Vaes, P., Beckwee, D., Muyldermans, R., Rommers, N., Cnudde, M. & Scafoglieri, A., 25 Jun 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Effect of TENS on pain in relation to central sensitization in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a pilot randomized controlled feasibility study
Author: Vaes, P., Beckwee, D., De Boitselier, E., Van Cutsem, S., Tassenoy, A. & Provyn, S., 30 Jun 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Evaluation of Global Perceived Effect in Patients Receiving 9 Sessions of Physiotherapy for Acute Musculoskeletal Disorders.
Author: Vaes, P., Schuddinck, D., Töpke, F., Beckwee, D. & Meeusen, R., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Evidence-based rehabilitation following arthroscopic anterior shoulder stabilization: an interview-based pilot study.
Author: Vaes, P. & brand, H., 25 Jun 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Invloed van cognitieve duale taken op posturale controle bij patiënten met lage rugklachten
Author: Konings, M., Vaes, P., Van Daele, U. & Scafoglieri, A., 2014Student thesis: Master-after-master
Measuring the differences in sensory-motor control and muscle activity in patients with non-specific low back pain and healthy subjects
Author: Breyne, N., Vaes, P., Van Daele, U., Rombouts, T. & Scafoglieri, A., 2014Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Onderzoek naar de test-hertest betrouwbaarheid van de multiple hop test met behulp van een iPhone-applicatie bij gezonde proefpersonen
Author: De Pot, J., Pluym, B., Eechaute, C., Vaes, P. & Scafoglieri, A., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Onderzoek naar prognostische indicatoren bij patënten met aspecifieke nekklachten behandeld met manuele therapie
Author: Mommaert, S., Vaes, P., De Hertogh, W. & Cattrysse, E., 2010Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Opstellen van normatieve data voor rompspieractiviteit met behulp van electromyografie tijdens een testbatterij voor de lage rug
Author: Neyens, E., Danneels, L., Vaes, P. & Cattrysse, E., 2011Student thesis: Master-after-master
Prognostic factors of non-traumatic chronic shoulder pain: a systematic review
Author: Van Bogaert, R., Struyf, F., Roussel, N., Vaes, P. & Scafoglieri, A., 2013Student thesis: Master-after-master
Prognostische indicatoren bij aspecifieke nekklachten
Author: Ewijk, M., Vaes, P., De Hertogh, W., Vijverman, V. & Cattrysse, E., 2010Student thesis: Master-after-master
Prognostische studie naar intrinsieke risicofactoren voor (recidiverende) enkelinversietraumata
Author: Leemans, L., Vaes, P., Eechaute, C. & Cattrysse, E., 2014Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Prognostische studie naar intrinsieke risicofactoren voor (recidiverende) laterale enkelverstuikingen
Author: Leemans, L., Vaes, P., Eechaute, C. & Cattrysse, E., 2015Student thesis: Master-after-master
Prognostische waarde van intrinsieke risicofactoren voor (recidiverende) enkelinversietraumata: een cohort studie
Author: Neubourg, S., Vaes, P., Eechaute, C. & Cattrysse, E., 2014Student thesis: Master-after-master
Prospectieve single-cohort studie naar de Minimal Important Change van de Neck Bournemouth Questionnaire
Author: Rombouts, T., Vaes, P., De Hertogh, W., Vijverman, V. & Cattrysse, E., 2010Student thesis: Master-after-master
Studie naar de intrabeoordelaars betrouwbaarheid van een aangepaste evaluatiemethode van de multiple hop test voor voorste kruisbandletsels
Author: Verwichte, J., Vaes, P., Cattrysse, E. & Eechaute, C., 2014Student thesis: Master's Thesis
Studying validity and test-retest reliability of the Stride Analyzer c in people with knee osteoarthritis
Author: Gonzalez-Rodriguez, M., Vaes, P., Beckwee, D., Swinnen, E., Adriaenssens, N. & Van Cauwenberg, J., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The correlation between quadriceps muscle strength and bone marrow lesions in patients with knee osteoarthritis : a cross-sectional study
Author: Lippens, W., Vaes, P., Beckwee, D., Baeyens, J. & Shahabpour, M., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The effect of TENS on pain after total knee arthroplasty
Author: Vaes, P., Beckwee, D., Boulpaep, N., Mertens, T., Cattrysse, E. & Tassenoy, A., 29 Jun 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The Effect of TENS on Pain after Total Knee Arthroplasty: a Double Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial
Author: Boulpaep, N., Mertens, T., Vaes, P., Beckwee, D., Lefeber, N. & Cattrysse, E., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The effect of TENS on pain related to central sensitization in knee osteoarthritis patients: feasibility of a randomized controlled trial.
Author: Vaes, P., Beckwee, D., Piron, P., Van Liefferinge, T., Farasyn, A. & Pouilliers, M., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The effects of the suboccipital release in patients with headache with/without neck pain or facial pain: a randomized controlled trial
Author: Van Laer, J., Vaes, P., Verbruggen, M. & Cattrysse, E., 2017Student thesis: Master-after-master
The influence of central sensitization on the pain sensitivity of knee osteoarthritis patients.
Author: Vaes, P., Vandebriel, D., Beckwee, D., Adriaenssens, N. & Baeyens, J., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The influence of central sensitization on the pain sensitivity of knee osteoarthritis patients.
Author: Vandebriel, D., Vaes, P., Adriaenssens, N. & Baeyens, J., 2015Student thesis: Master's Thesis
The measurable impact of a protocoled multimodal physiotherapeutic intervention on the quality of life in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain. A RCT study
Author: van Amstel, R., Vaes, P., Malone, S., Scafoglieri, A. & De Mesmaeker, M., 29 Jun 2018Student thesis: Master-after-master
What are the possible influences of suboccipital release in patients with headachte with/without neck pain ? A randomised controlled trial: Wat zijn de mogelijke effecten van suboccipital release bij patiënten met hoofdpijn met/zonder nekpijn? Een gerandomiseerde klinische studie
Author: Cassiman, M., Jacobs, L., Vaes, P., Verbruggen, M. & Cattrysse, E., 2017Student thesis: Master-after-master