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CONO481: Tweedaagse workshop (14 en 15 september 2015) - titel aan te vullen
3/12/14 → 31/12/15
Project: Fundamental
CONI481: INSCHRIJVINGEN Tweedaagse workshop (14 en 15 september 2015) - titel aan te vullen
3/12/14 → 31/12/15
Project: Fundamental
CONI491: Studentenactiviteiten ten voordele van Tweedaagse Workshop 14 en 15 september 2015.
1/12/14 → 31/12/16
Project: Fundamental
SRP25: SRP (Groeiers): Organisation-employee-volunteer interactions in non-profit organisations
1/03/14 → 28/02/19
Project: Fundamental
OZR2530: Bilateral cooperation in the framework of mutual doctoral projects: Bench Fee joint PhD VUB-KUL, Jolyn Gelens
1/08/13 → 31/07/14
Project: Fundamental
IWT520: The role of perceived justice in shaping employee and organizational outcomes of talent management investments.
1/01/11 → 31/12/14
Project: Fundamental
FTW20: Convention de collaboration. Recherche sur le bien-être au travail dans les centres d'appels (call-centers).
3/05/10 → 31/12/11
Project: Fundamental
FVO34: Ergonomie UZB-VUB : Ontwikkelen van een richtlijn inzake goede lichamelijke en psychische werkomstandigheden voor verpleegkundigen.
Pepermans, R. & De Cooman, R.
1/07/09 → 30/06/10
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM490: In search of a new paradigm for the professional career: Individual versus organization.
1/10/08 → 30/09/10
Project: Fundamental
GOA56: Involving volunteers and their effect on the governance and functioning of private non-profit organisations.
1/01/08 → 31/12/12
Project: Fundamental
BRGEOZ109: In search of entrepreneurship. Onderzoek naar detectie en vorming van ondernemers.
1/07/07 → 30/06/08
Project: Fundamental
FTW6: Het verbeteren van de arbeidsbeleving van managers doorheen een procesmatige interventie gericht op colelctieve coping.
16/09/04 → 31/12/07
Project: Fundamental
BRGEOZ64: Perceived attractiveness of Brussels for knowledge intensive enterprises.(Onderzoeker : Irina ZINOVIEVA)
1/03/04 → 28/02/07
Project: Fundamental
GOA24: Rewards and incentives in private non-profit organisations
Du Bois, C., Pepermans, R., Caers, R., De Gieter, S., Jegers, M. & Schepers, C.
1/07/02 → 30/09/07
Project: Fundamental
OZR711: Format, content and order of response categories in survey research. A fundamental research into the impact of response categories on response patterns.
Pepermans, R., Theuns, P. & Cools, W.
1/01/02 → 31/12/05
Project: Fundamental
OZR564: Poverty and Wealth. An economic psychological reality based on qualitative and quantitative methods.
1/01/01 → 31/12/04
Project: Fundamental
ANI9: Risc-analysis concrening psychosocial taxes imposed by the wellfarelaw executed by the European instructions.
1/07/00 → 30/09/04
Project: Fundamental
OZR422: Psychological factors relating to electronic banking devices.
1/01/00 → 31/12/01
Project: Fundamental
GIFT26: GIFTEN tvv organisatie van seminarie "Managementsopleiding". en GIFTEN-algemeen
1/01/00 → 31/12/15
Project: Fundamental
OZR254: Management of non-profit organisations: the interaction between rewards, managerial behaviour and efficiency.
1/01/98 → 31/12/01
Project: Applied
FWOTM24: Effecten van emotie-inducerende informatie op attituden eten opzichte van inforamtiemateriaal en -bron.
1/10/97 → 30/09/98
Project: Fundamental
OZR340: The motivation to manage as a predictor of professional succes.
Pepermans, R. & Moenaert, R.
1/01/97 → 31/12/99
Project: Applied
OZR515: Interdisciplinary research concerning parttime employment.
Pepermans, R., Vilrokx, J. & Guerry, M.
1/01/97 → 31/12/00
Project: Fundamental
OZR92: The effects of emotion-induced information on the attitudes in the presence of information material and - source.
1/01/97 → 31/12/98
Project: Fundamental
2961140027: Effecten van emotie-inducerende informatie op attituden ten opzichte van informatieateriaal en -bron.
1/10/96 → 30/09/97
Project: Fundamental
1971141570: The motivation to manage as a predictor for proffessional succes.
Moenaert, R. & Pepermans, R.
1/01/94 → 31/12/97
Project: Fundamental