Projects per year
Personal profile
- Multivariate statistical analyses, demography (fertility, mortality, internal and international migration, regional studies, population projections etc). Survey research and organization.
- 1 Similar Profiles
FEZ5: Analysis related to "the monographs socio-economic survey 2001", more specifically the anonymised individual data on individuals, households and housing .
Deboosere, P., Van Bavel, J. & Lesthaeghe, R.
29/04/03 → …
Project: Fundamental
DWTC178: Data management Belgian General Socio-Economic Survey 2001
Lesthaeghe, R., Deboosere, P., Van Bavel, J. & Surkyn, J.
1/10/05 → 31/10/08
Project: Fundamental
DWTC173: Microcensus 2006 (phase 1)
Lesthaeghe, R., Deboosere, P., Van Bavel, J. & Surkyn, J.
1/09/05 → 30/09/06
Project: Fundamental
IWT263: COVIVE: Social and economic impact of ageing in Flanders and Europe. How can policy at the Flemisch level respond?
Van Bavel, J., Deboosere, P. & Lesthaeghe, R.
1/04/05 → 31/12/09
Project: Fundamental
Huishoudens en gezinnen in België
Deboosere, P., Lesthaeghe, R., Surkyn, J., Willaert, D., Boulanger, P-M., Lambert, A. & Lohlé-Tart, L., 2009, Brussels: ADSEI. 170 p. (Monografieën Sociaal-Economische Enquête 2001)Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report › Research
Open AccessFile829 Downloads (Pure) -
Ménages et familles en Belgique
Deboosere, P., Lesthaeghe, R., Surkyn, J., Willaert, D., Boulanger, P-M., Lambert, A. & Lohlé-Tart, L., 2009, Brussels: DGSIE. 170 p. (Enquête Socio-économique 2001 Monographies; no. 4)Research output: Book/Report › Book › Research
Ready, Willing and Able : the preconditions of demographic innovation
Lesthaeghe, R., Vanderhoeft, C., Neels, K., Neidert, L. & Willaert, D., 15 Feb 2007, Paper presented at the symposium 'Demographic challenges for the 21st century. A state of the art in Demography'.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Meeting abstract (Book)
The political significance of the "Second Demographic Transition"(SDT) in the U.S. : a spatial analysis
Lesthaeghe, R., Neidert, L. & Willaert, D., 29 Mar 2007, Paper presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference paper
Unfolding the Second Demographic Transition in the United States - Tracing patterns over time and space
Lesthaeghe, R., Neidert, L. & Willaert, D., 11 Aug 2007, Paper presented at the 102nd ASA Annual Meeting.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Meeting abstract (Book)
- 1 Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
'Thuis in de stad'
Ronny Lesthaeghe (Keynote speaker)
20 Sep 2001Activity: Talk or presentation › Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar