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IOF3010: GEAR: Transitioning to future sustainable transport systems Supporting a sector in full transition: valorisation of the MOBI expertise
Van Mierlo, J., Macharis, C., Van Mierlo, J., Coosemans, T., Hegazy, O., Vanhaverbeke, L., Crispeels, T., Verbeke, W., Guns, T., Rombaut, E., Berecibar, M., Jacobs, V. A., Van Den Bossche, P., Lataire, P., Vranckx, A., De Geest, C. C. J., Van Hoyweghen, S., De Cauwer, C., El Baghdadi, M., Mohamed, A. H. R., Kaya, A. & Berecibar, M.
1/01/20 → 31/12/24
Project: Applied
EU607: RENAISSANCE: RENewAble Integration and SuStainAbility iN energy CommunitiEs
Coosemans, T., Arapoglou, S., Gonzalez Fernandez De Bobadilla, A., Messagie, M., Heuninckx, S., Lode, M. L., Van Hoyweghen, S., Felice, A., Macharis, C., Teekaraman, Y. & Vranckx, A.
1/05/19 → 31/10/22
Project: Fundamental
BRGEOZ342: The organization of effective monitoring of pollutant emissions from engines to establish fraudulent practices during the homologation tests.
Coosemans, T., Van Mierlo, J., Van Hoyweghen, S., Hooftman, N. S. & Vranckx, A.
1/01/18 → 30/04/18
Project: Fundamental
BRGEOZ328: SUPPORT for EU-PROPOSAL H2020: Smart material structures for high-performance safe passive thermal management for industrial application-Suprema
Omar, N. & Van Hoyweghen, S.
19/02/17 → 4/05/17
Project: Fundamental
EU517: ORCA - Optimised Real-world Cost-Competitive Modular Hybrid Architecture for Heavy Duty Vehicles (ORCA)
Hegazy, O., Van Mierlo, J., Van Mierlo, J., Omar, N., Messagie, M., Van Hoyweghen, S., Rahbari, O., De Sutter, L., Tran, D., Mayet, C., Varga, E. F., Geury, T. & Berecibar, M.
1/10/16 → 30/09/21
Project: Fundamental
BRGEOZ312: fASt and Smart charging solutions for full size URban hEavy Duty applications
Omar, N., Van Hoyweghen, S. & Hegazy, O.
1/09/16 → 1/02/17
Project: Fundamental