Certificate delivered by the European Commission, as the institution managing Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020 The project proposal 101030624, POSTGROWS Enabling Post-Growth Sustainability Decision Making in Transport submitted under the Horizon 2020’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions call H2020-MSCA-IF-2020 of 9 September 2020 by Geert te Boveldt and NORGES MILJO-OG BIOVITENSKAPLIGE UNIVERSITET UNIVERSITETSTUNET 3 1433 AS Norway following evaluation by an international panel of independent experts WAS SCORED AS A HIGH-QUALITY PROJECT PROPOSAL IN A HIGHLY COMPETITIVE EVALUATION PROCESS* This proposal is recommended for funding by other sources, since Horizon 2020 resources available for this specific Call were already allocated following a competitive ranking. * This means passing, with a score of 85% or more, all stringent Horizon 2020 assessment thresholds for the 3 award criteria (excellence, impact, quality and efficiency of implementation) required to receive funding from Horizon 2020.