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EUPOM164: Erasmus+ KeyAction2: Decolonization of Curriculums in Secondary School
1/12/24 → 31/08/27
Project: Applied
EUPOM165: Erasmus+ KeyAction2: #ENHANCE - The social side of eSports
Aerenhouts, D., Zinzen, E., Sarens, M., Verschueren, J. & Kegelaers, J.
1/12/24 → 30/11/27
Project: Applied
CONI816: Historical Sociolinguistics Young Researchers Forum (HSYRF-2025) (inschrijvingen conferentie)
25/11/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Fundamental
ANI407: That tastes like more - the VUB student restaurant as a catalyst for sustainable eating habits
21/11/24 → 31/08/25
Project: Fundamental
CONO815: Hopf25: Conferentie over Hopf-algebra's, kwantumgroepen, monoïdale categorieën en gerelateerde structuren (organisatie conferentie)
19/11/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Fundamental
AIIFUND137: Equal chances in active labour market program placements for different ethnic groups?
18/11/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Fundamental
CONO813: CLIL Connect Conference 2024 (organisatie conferentie)
4/11/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1266: Ultra-low noise interferometry with cryogenic test masses
Van den Bossche, E. & Sevrin, A.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB189: Novel targeted anti-amoebic strategies using Nanobody technology
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1268: Functional characterization of the outer membrane stress response protein SlyB
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1248: Forgotten Inequality: Social Disparities in Mortality Associated with Neurodegeneration, a PopulationBased Study in Belgium
1/11/24 → 3/11/28
Project: Fundamental
OZR4365: Caroline Pauwels Schrijfmandaat William Torbeyns - Medieval Migrants: Exploring the Motivations Behind Migration from the Low Countries to England and Italy in the Late Middle Ages
Lambert, B. & Torbeyns, W. T. K.
1/11/24 → 1/03/25
Project: Fundamental
EUPOM157: Erasmus+ KeyAction2: MAinstreaming GENDer equality in Academia
1/11/24 → 31/10/27
Project: Applied
OZR4355: OZR opvangmandaat aspirant Haeun Lee
Van Ginderachter, J. & Lee, H.
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB183: SMASE: Self-healing, Multi-layered, and Adaptable Stretchable Electronics
1/11/24 → 31/01/28
Project: Fundamental
OZR4309: OZR opvangmandaat post doc Muhammad Andy Putratama
Coosemans, T. & Putratama, M. A.
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamental
EUPOM156: Erasmus KeyAction 2 : Innovating in the way STEM is taught through sports in School Education
1/11/24 → 31/10/26
Project: Applied
FWOTM1246: The influence of language control on second language acquisition
Stolle, S. I., Declerck, M. & Struys, E.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
OZR4310: OZR opvangmandaat post doc James Hagan
Vanschoenwinkel, B. & Hagan, J.
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1249: Unravelling the epigenetic mechanisms of exercise-induced pain in chronic widespread pain: DNA methylation regulation of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression and its modulation by transcranial direct current stimulation
Xiong, H., Nijs, J., Ickmans, K. & Polli, A.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1257: CATCH - CAR-T cell immunotherapy against Chronic liver disease and Hepatocellular carcinoma
De Wolf, R., van Grunsven, L. & Breckpot, K.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB171: Optimization of nanobodies targeting pannexin1 channels for the treatment of cholestasis.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
OZR4352: Geannuleerd - OZR opvangmandaat aspirant Bo Vandenbulcke
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB180: Design of High-Efficiency GaN-on-Si Power Amplifiers for 6G Applications
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1222: ROAST: Reconstruction Of Archaeological diets using STrontium isotopes
1/11/24 → 31/10/27
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1251: Nudging towards viewpoint diversity? Evaluating the impact of LLM-enabled explanations on diversity consumption in news recommender
Maes, U., Smets, A. & Raats, T.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1219: Self-employment variety and health consequences: A comprehensive study of career trajectories and household dynamics.
1/11/24 → 31/10/27
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB193: Supporting dynamic analysis for multi-language applications
Munsters, A. & Gonzalez Boix, E.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
OZR4350: OZR opvangmandaat aspirant Berta Galofré
Verstrynge, K. & Galofré Claret, B.
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB192: More than meets the eye: a laser-based platform for large scale biomonitoring of airborne animals
De Causmaecker, L., Vanschoenwinkel, B., Jacobs, V. A., Schelkens, P. & Brydegaard , M.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
ANI392: Using tumor-derived dendritic cells as novel therapeutic options against ovarian cancer
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1265: Inflammatory education of liver resident cells and its long-term effect on liver metastasis formation
Lage Marques, B., Van Ginderachter, J. & Stijlemans, B.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB191: Exploring novel ways to target LRRK2 in Parkinson’s disease: in-depth characterization and optimization of allosteric Nanobodies
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1260: Ancient agricultural terraces in the Eastern Mediterranean: Finding socioecological legacies in the soil memory
Cerón González, A., Devos, Y., Vandam, R. & Vervust, S.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB194: NAIROBI: iNjectable suprAmolecular peptIde hydRogels for cOntrolled release of BioactIves
Robberechts, I., Martin, C., Ballet, S. & Hernot, S.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1252: Gender Politics in Digital Far-Right Engagement with Narrative-Driven Video Games
Dickey, B., De Cleen, B. & Smets, K.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1264: Quantum cluster C*-algebras and positive representations
Malfait, W., De Commer, K. & Janssens, G.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental