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CONI818: 2nd Flemish Mental Health Congress. Setting boundaries (inschrijvingen conferentie)
9/12/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Fundamental
EUPOM164: Erasmus+ KeyAction2: Decolonization of Curriculums in Secondary School
1/12/24 → 31/08/27
Project: Applied
EUPOM165: Erasmus+ KeyAction2: #ENHANCE - The social side of eSports
Aerenhouts, D., Zinzen, E., Sarens, M., Verschueren, J. & Kegelaers, J.
1/12/24 → 30/11/27
Project: Applied
CONI816: Historical Sociolinguistics Young Researchers Forum (HSYRF-2025) (inschrijvingen conferentie)
25/11/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Fundamental
ANI407: That tastes like more - the VUB student restaurant as a catalyst for sustainable eating habits
21/11/24 → 31/08/25
Project: Fundamental
CONO815: Hopf25: Conferentie over Hopf-algebra's, kwantumgroepen, monoïdale categorieën en gerelateerde structuren (organisatie conferentie)
19/11/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Fundamental
AIIFUND137: Equal chances in active labour market program placements for different ethnic groups?
18/11/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Fundamental
OZR4382: Ad hoc financiering Jo Angouri
Keulen, S., Peeters, A. & Vandenbussche, W.
13/11/24 → 30/04/25
Project: Fundamental
CONO813: CLIL Connect Conference 2024 (organisatie conferentie)
4/11/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1266: Ultra-low noise interferometry with cryogenic test masses
Van den Bossche, E. & Sevrin, A.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB189: Novel targeted anti-amoebic strategies using Nanobody technology
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1268: Functional characterization of the outer membrane stress response protein SlyB
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1248: Forgotten Inequality: Social Disparities in Mortality Associated with Neurodegeneration, a PopulationBased Study in Belgium
1/11/24 → 3/11/28
Project: Fundamental
OZR4365: Caroline Pauwels Schrijfmandaat William Torbeyns - Medieval Migrants: Exploring the Motivations Behind Migration from the Low Countries to England and Italy in the Late Middle Ages
Lambert, B. & Torbeyns, W. T. K.
1/11/24 → 1/03/25
Project: Fundamental
EUPOM157: Erasmus+ KeyAction2: MAinstreaming GENDer equality in Academia
1/11/24 → 31/10/27
Project: Applied
OZR4355: OZR opvangmandaat aspirant Haeun Lee
Van Ginderachter, J. & Lee, H.
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB183: SMASE: Self-healing, Multi-layered, and Adaptable Stretchable Electronics
1/11/24 → 31/01/28
Project: Fundamental
OZR4309: OZR opvangmandaat post doc Muhammad Andy Putratama
Coosemans, T. & Putratama, M. A.
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamental
EUPOM156: Erasmus KeyAction 2 : Innovating in the way STEM is taught through sports in School Education
1/11/24 → 31/10/26
Project: Applied
FWOTM1246: The influence of language control on second language acquisition
Stolle, S. I., Declerck, M. & Struys, E.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
OZR4310: OZR opvangmandaat post doc James Hagan
Vanschoenwinkel, B. & Hagan, J.
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1249: Unravelling the epigenetic mechanisms of exercise-induced pain in chronic widespread pain: DNA methylation regulation of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression and its modulation by transcranial direct current stimulation
Xiong, H., Nijs, J., Ickmans, K. & Polli, A.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1257: CATCH - CAR-T cell immunotherapy against Chronic liver disease and Hepatocellular carcinoma
De Wolf, R., van Grunsven, L. & Breckpot, K.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
OZR4352: Geannuleerd - OZR opvangmandaat aspirant Bo Vandenbulcke
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB180: Design of High-Efficiency GaN-on-Si Power Amplifiers for 6G Applications
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1251: Nudging towards viewpoint diversity? Evaluating the impact of LLM-enabled explanations on diversity consumption in news recommender
Maes, U., Smets, A. & Raats, T.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1219: Self-employment variety and health consequences: A comprehensive study of career trajectories and household dynamics.
1/11/24 → 31/10/27
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB193: Supporting dynamic analysis for multi-language applications
Munsters, A. & Gonzalez Boix, E.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB192: More than meets the eye: a laser-based platform for large scale biomonitoring of airborne animals
De Causmaecker, L., Vanschoenwinkel, B., Jacobs, V. A., Schelkens, P. & Brydegaard , M.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1255: MACBETh: Uncovering the role of MACrophages in BETa cell (re)generation.
Willems, L., De Leu, N., Staels, W. & Van Ginderachter, J.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
ANI396: Unravelling mechanisms of cellular plasticity in pancreatic basal cells in homeostasis and disease
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamental
NSIS3: DESTINY: DEcarbonisation Solutions and Technology for a New Tomorrow: Societal Impact Network of the Flanders Institute for Decarbonisation Technologies (FIDT)
Messagie, M., Coosemans, T., De Cauwer, C., Stiens, J., Munteanu, A., Deligiannis, N., da Silva Gomes, B. T., De Cruz, L., Braeken, A., Touhafi, A., Rahier, H., Hauffman, T., Hubin, A., Bellemans, A., Bram, S., De Troyer, T., Runacres, M., Denayer, J., Van Assche, T., Van Mierlo, J., Vanhaverbeke, L., Jacobs, V. A., Rombaut, E., El Baghdadi, M., Hegazy, O. & Berecibar, M.
1/11/24 → 31/10/29
Project: Fundamental
FWOSB190: Process development for cultivation of mycelium materials via liquid-state surface fermentation
Dimitriadis, P., Peeters, E. & De Malsche, W.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental
NSIS4: Brussels Centre for Urban Studies (BCUS)
van Heur, B., Ryckbosch, W., Gonzalez Fuster, G., Keserü, I., Sepp, A., De Melo Melgaço, L., Gadeyne, S., Van de Voorde, S. & De Donder, L.
1/11/24 → 31/10/29
Project: Fundamental
IRP24: Studying the complex role of the environment in shaping practices and experiences of serious illness, caregiving, dying and grieving through interdisciplinary research and innovation in Compassionate Communities (COCO_ENV)
Cohen, J., Dury, S., Van den Block, L., Pivodic, L., De Donder, L., Dierckx, E., Smetcoren, A., Snoeck, C., De Backer, F., Lombaerts, K., Spruyt, B., De Moortel, D., Bekers, E., Aernouts, N., Ryckewaert, M., Van Droogenbroeck, F., Beeckman, K., Brosens, D. & De Gieter, S.
1/11/24 → 31/10/29
Project: Fundamental
IRP26: The Make-Up of the Cities: A Transdisciplinary and Comparative Study of Urban Societies in the Pre- Modern Low Countries
Lambert, B., Snoeck, C., Veselka, B., Claeys, P., Pouliart, N. & Provyn, S.
1/11/24 → 31/10/29
Project: Fundamental
BRGRD85: Applied PhD 2024: Beastly Traces and Shared Spaces: encountering human-animal communities in the Sonian Forest
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Policy Based
ANI392: Using tumor-derived dendritic cells as novel therapeutic options against ovarian cancer
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamental
FWOTM1265: Inflammatory education of liver resident cells and its long-term effect on liver metastasis formation
Lage Marques, B., Van Ginderachter, J. & Stijlemans, B.
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: Fundamental