A contribution to the development of micro-thermal analysis by theoretical modelling of the technique and experimental exploration of multiphase polymeric systems

    Project Details


    The purpose of this project is to explore and optimize micro-thermal analysis, a new and advanced physical-chemical technique for the characterization for the characterization of multiphase (polymer) materials. This purpose is pursued by a multidisciplinary strategy using three approaches: (1) a theoretical approach of the technique by modelling using the finite element calculation method, (2) the experimental characterization of the instrument response, (3) experimental exploration of the techniques potential on multi-phase polymeric systems.
    Effective start/end date1/01/0331/12/05


    • thermal analysis
    • heat transfer modelling
    • polymers
    • instrument development

    Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

    • (Bio)medical engineering
    • (Bio)chemical engineering
    • Chemical sciences


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