ALICE - Quantitative Flow Field Visualisation

    Project Details


    The ESPRIT project ALICE focuses on the development of a Quantitative Flow
    Field Visualization (QFView) system. QFView is a graphically distributed
    software environment that integrates EFD and CFD data processing (e.g. flow
    field mappings with flow field visualization). The QFView system supports a
    unified treatment of data while :
    -validating results produced from experimental and numerical systems, and
    - archiving and retrieving data from the unified flow field database.
    The fluid dynamics data generated with Experimental Fluid Dynamics (EFD)
    and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations require fast and easy
    access in order to be of interest in industrial environments. The aim is to
    combine results from different simulations (PIV, CFD, LDV...) : (i) to
    improve the physical understanding of the flow phenomena, (ii) to validate
    and improve CFD codes, (iii) to use EFD techniques efficiently and (iv) to
    provide user friendly access to all this information.
    To prove the versatility of such approach several experiments are chosen
    from various application fields. Their requirements steered the design of
    the QFView system (final output of the EP-28168 ALICE project).
    At VUB, a facility for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is constructed
    using the continuous-wave 4W Argon Ion Laser.The pulses necessary for PIV
    are generated with a Bragg cell, which is driven by a generator. The TTL
    signal coming from a synchronizer triggers the RF generator. The laser
    sheet is produce by cylindrical lens from the frame-straddled pulses. The
    digital camera captures the images of the illuminated particles.A spatial
    Cross Correlation Algorithm quantifies the instantaneous velocity field
    from the acquired images. A specially designed mini-water tunnel is
    constructed to investigate the complex flow field of a double annular jet.
    Recently purchased 30mJ Nd-YAG pulse laser (allows air velocity measurement
    up to 45m/s), will be integrated in our PIV system.

    The distributed nature of QFView allows the user to extract, visualize and
    compare data from the database over the Word Wide Web, Emphasis is given to
    the treatment of non-stationary and transient data, which requires
    animation and time dependent visualization tools. The visualization of the
    velocity field, the mean velocity and turbulence quantities from, PIV, LDV
    and CFD are demonstrated. the QFView architecture is characterised by
    three important requirements: to be open, web-based and componentised.It is
    modularized in order to improve flexibility and integration of (current and
    future) visualization components. In addition to standard set of
    visualization components representing scalar and vector fields, a special
    weight is given to comparison and extraction procedures, which ease and
    improve interactive manipulation of large data sets (search, browsing...).
    the central point is the database where large amounts of data sets are
    imported, classified and stored for further reuse.

    We believe that WWW represents the future of distributed, collaborative
    scientific environments. Thus, QFView is based on web-oriented client-
    server technology (e.g. Java, JDBC). It is envisaged that QFView will
    reduce the global costs and time required: to process, to validate and
    classify results addressing fluid mechanics problems.

    Effective start/end date1/10/9831/08/01


    • WWW
    • PIV and CFD
    • Visualization
    • EFD
    • Java
    • JDBC

    Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

    • Computer engineering, information technology and mathematical engineering
    • Mathematical sciences and statistics
    • Electrical and electronic engineering


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