Although the Brussels population is growing and the Brussels-Capital Region is the region with the youngest average age, the number of well-to-do middle class families is declining. This leads to an impoverishment of the Brussels population, which stands at odds with the region's share in the country's economic productivity. This has important financial consequences for the budget of the Brussels-Capital Region. In this respect, the current project aims to provide insight into the movements and the socio-economic profile of movers and stayers and, by means of a qualitative study, to uncover the motivations for moving (or not moving). This research wants to analyse and to test possible policy measures in order to get a grip on these movements by the public authorities. Innovative is the methodological approach in which the various actors enter into dialogue with each other on the basis of quantitative and qualitative research, to come to an evaluation of policies and explore possibilities for alternatives. The aim of the research is to map out a number of possible policy paths for the Brussels-Capital Region, taking into account the possibilities offered by the limitations of the Belgian state structure.