CASA PETIt: CAmera for Small Animal PET-Imaging

Project Details


Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging is the method
of choice for noninvasive imaging of molecular processes in
patients. It uses radioactive tracers that target diseased
cells, hereby providing essential information for the treating
physician. Clinical PET imaging is used to diagnose and
follow-up patients with cancer, cardiovascular, metabolic
and inflammatory diseases. We here apply for a device to
PET-image small laboratory animals. Like in patients, such a
camera system allows the noninvasive evaluation of
ongoing biological and pathological processes in mice and
rats, and uses validated tracers or new tracers that are
being developed at VUB. This equipment - a PET component
for the visualization of the tracer signal and a CT component
for anatomical guidance - will be embedded in the Imaging
Core Facility at VUB for easy access to all researchers and
for industrial contract research. It will be installed in a
dedicated laboratory space in the new state-of-the art
animal facility on the health campus, which will be
operational in 2022. The PET/CT equipment will also be
indispensable for internal developments of the medical
imaging research group of VUB who aims to develop and
translate novel PET tracer to the clinic. The new equipment
will complement existing units at VUB and UZBrussel
dedicated to radiochemistry, radiopharmacy, antibodydevelopment
and dosimetry, and will complete the whole
value chain to develop innovative imaging applications for
clinical use.
Effective start/end date1/05/2230/04/26


  • PET

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Cancer diagnosis
  • Molecular diagnostics
  • Non-clinical studies
  • Nuclear imaging


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