Centre of Expertise Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality

Project Details


RHEA is a multi-disciplinary and interfaculty research group devoted to fundamental and applied research about gender and especially gender inequality and its interactions with other sources of inequality. RHEA affiliates around 30 researchers, including professors, post-docs, pre-docs and freelance researchers from the research teams of POLI (Political Sciences), FILO (Philosophy), JURI (Law), TALK (Language and Literature), MOSI (Mathematics, Operational research, Statistics and Information Systems, applied in human sciences), SCRI (Criminology), the Centre for Ethics and Humanism, SOCI (Sociology) and CLIC (Cultural Studies). RHEA's present core expertise is in gender equality/diversity policy and politics; women's (legal) history; and gender, migration and cultural practices (for publications see: http://www.vub.ac.be/RHEA/nl).

Objectives of the Centre of Expertise 'Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality' are:
1. Generating fundamental knowledge on gender, diversity and intersectionality
2. Providing advise for improving equality policies (national level, Flanders, VUB)
3. Contributing to societal, normative and ethical debates on gender, diversity and intersectionality
Short title or EU acronymRHEA
Effective start/end date4/10/1330/09/19


  • Women Studies
  • Gender Studies
  • Diversity

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Modern and contemporary history


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