Project Details


Crowd logistics uses private individuals’ or semi-professionals’ spare carrying capacity on cars, bikes, buses and planes to carry out deliveries for other people. Coordination between senders and the crowd is usually supported by a technical infrastructure or platform. In 2016, the Flemish Institute for Logistics (Vlaams Insituut voor Logistiek - VIL) initiated a project to demonstrate the opportunities for crowd logistics through real-life testing of promising business models and an analysis of their economic, societal and environmental impact (
MOBI’s first role in the project is to identify existing knowledge on crowd logistics and implemented or promising business models. Secondly, we explore stakeholder support for these business models among the companies that are partner in this project through a Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) workshop. Finally, we are responsible for the impact analysis of the two crowd logistics concepts that will be tested as part of the project.
Effective start/end date1/01/1631/10/17


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