Data4Food2030 : Pathways towards a fair, inclusive and innovative Data Economy for Sustainable Food Systems (EU BONUS OZR)

Project Details


The digital transformation of food systems has entered a twilight zone: data-driven innovations have proven to be promising, but it is
still unclear how to upscale adoption and have broader acceptance. The Data4Food2030 project aims to improve the data economy
for food systems (DE4FS) by expanding its definition, mapping its development, performance and impact to create new insights and
opportunities. This contributes to a more competitive and sustainable food system in the EU and supports implementation and
adaptation of relevant policies such as a Digital Single Market, Green Deal and the Common Agricultural Policy.
Short title or EU acronymData4Food2030
Effective start/end date1/09/2231/08/26


  • open data
  • Data markets
  • Data usage control

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Food technology


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