Development of chiral stationary phases for CEC analysis

Project Details


The postdoctoral fellow will be involved in the development of chiral monolithic stationary phases. To enable chiral separation, these monoliths have to be derivatized with a chiral selector. Since polysaccharide based chiral selectors are not commercially available, it is necessary that they are synthesized in-house, and this will be the first topic of the research. In second instance, these selectors will be bound onto a chromatographic support, which can be either monolithic (silica- or polymer-based), or micronsized silica particles. Because these supports have a different structure, different binding procedures for the selector have to be searched for.
Besides derivatized monolithic phases, particle-glued stationary phases will also be considered as alternative chiral stationary phase.
Effective start/end date1/11/0731/10/08


  • Stationary phase development
  • Chiral separations
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Chiral selections

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • (Bio)chemical engineering
  • Chemical sciences
  • Pharmaceutical sciences


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