Development of learning courses in judo based on analyses of judo fights of different levels and different age categories.

Project Details


The characteristic of a judo fight is an intermittenteffort pattern: Nage waza (fight in erect position), Ne waza (fight on the ground) and interruptions imposed by the referee. Until now there is no systematic data gathering done towards the time these different patterns take during a fight. Therfore we define the purpose of this project as to analyze different fights at different levels and in different age categories to develop an idea of the mean effort profile of a judo fight. By means of these results it will be possible to optimize training scheme's with taking into account the activity intervals and recepuration times. To evaluate the importance of different techniques we will analyze these techniques on their frequency, on the moment of use during a fight, on their efficacy and this for the different sexes, different weight categories, different age categories and in function of the level of the competition (Regional, National, International). This information can be used again in the develoment of training scheme's which can be different and specific for the investigated sub-groups. Finally the combination of results can be used to develop learning courses in function of level, sexe, weight, ... and will provide a tool for talent identification.

Effective start/end date20/05/07 → …


  • movement


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