Digital transformations in the education sector and other sectors indicate that digital leadership is extremely important, especially under the impact of the recent pandemic. However, looking into the literature, the concept of digital leadership in education is not yet clear. The proposed research will build upon available related concepts (leading in a digital age, e-leadership, virtual leadership, and educational technology leadership and other related concepts). The research will adopt grounded theory method in order to identify the conceptions of digital leadership among key stakeholders with a focus on teachers and leaders in universities and secondary schools. Three main research questions are aimed: 1) what is the concept of digital leadership in education? 2) how can school and university teachers and leaders play active roles in digital leadership? 3) how to develop digital leadership?
The research is expected to have significant contributions:
1) Theoretical contribution to the concept of digital leadership in education;
2) Knowledge contribution to the ongoing courses or new courses;
3) Building basis for a new research line and facilitating new research in this area;
4) Strengthening collaboration with existing and new partners and building foundations for preparation of a new collaboration project with research partners in the EU and beyond.