DOMINIA enabled. The role of the state, spatial policy systems and the governance of Landed Commons in Europe.

Project Details


Several scholars have been for long underlining the growing potential
that Landed Commons (LCs) embody, as alternative land
governance arrangements covering a broad range between public
and private property regimes, to address discrepancies between
increasing land demands and sustainable development. However,
global and European organizations have drawn attention to their
often-limited legal recognition and institutional embeddedness in
spatial policy domains. The DOMINIA project develops an
interdisciplinary approach, in order to examine the role of the state as
a distinct and complex spatial policy system that mediates the
interactions between LCs and broader socio-political dynamics. To
this end, we stir up a ‘dialogue’ between nation-wide policies and
local community experiences to shed light on legal-institutional
parameters that facilitate the development of hybrid property regimes
and collective land governance schemes in seven (7) EU member
states: Belgium (Flanders), France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Spain,
and Greece. In this context, DOMINIA innovatively approaches Land
Policy as an interdisciplinary academic field, apt to underpin the
amalgamation of the political economy of land, law and socio-spatial
science/geography into an integrated theoretical and methodological
framework to study commons and overcome their rather partial
understanding in extant mono- or cross- disciplinary discourses.
Effective start/end date1/01/2131/12/24


  • governance of landed commons
  • role of the state
  • spatial policy systems (spatial planning, land policy and law)

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Legal theory, jurisprudence and legal interpretation
  • Other social and economic geography not elsewhere classified
  • Property law
  • Multilevel governance not elsewhere classified
  • Environmental and sustainable planning


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