Elucidation of the role of connexin proteins in the control of hepatocellular homeostasis: development of a hepatocyte-based in vitro model for pre-clinical pharmaco-toxicological research

Project Details


1) Objectives and motivation Preclinical pharmaco-toxicological research is frequently carried out on experimental animals. However, from a scientific, ethical and economic point of view this seems not longer acceptable. Therefore, the need for the development of appropriate in vitro models is urgently growing. Primary hepatocyte cultures are promising in vitro systems, since they provide a good reflection of the in vivo situation. However, their use is currently limited to short-term purposes by the progressive occurrence of dedifferentiation [1].
Effective start/end date1/10/0630/09/12


  • toxicology

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Basic sciences


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