Project Details


the project aims at fostering
students’ CDL “with emphasis on critical thinking rather than information and communication technology skills” (Chan et al.,
2017: 2), and at helping them develop “skills and practices that lead to the creation of digital texts that interrogate the world”
(Avila & Pandya, 2013: 3) and abilities “to access, critically assess, use and create information, through digital media in
engagement with individuals and communities” (Roche, 2017: 43). Finally, the proposed project’s objectives, except from
the EU Action Plans, derive from the challenges the European HEIs face today concerning the preparation of future
professionals and participatory citizens. All HEIs partners share a continuous concern to improve the quality of learning in
HE, across different sectors, which converge in a common need on how to better support the development of CDL
education according to the professional and social needs and challenges.
Effective start/end date1/10/2230/09/25


  • digital Media
  • Higher education

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Higher education


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