ERC connect funding: CLIP-EX: Countering chronic Low-grade Inflammation by Physical Exercise: unraveling muscle–to-immune-cell communication

Project Details


Chronic inflammation is present in the elderly population, and is involved in many tissue and cellular dysfunctions with ageing, including the immune system, the skeletal muscle (sarcopenia) or more generally tissue-repair.
Counteracting this chronic inflammation will be beneficial for those age-related dysfunctions, and thus for the general well-being of the aged population.

The CLIP-EX project aims at testing the anti-inflammatory effects of exercise in elderly subjects and identifying the molecular actors and pathways involved.

I will investigate the molecular cross-talk between exercised skeletal muscle and circulating immune cells in order to 1) identify molecules released by the muscle and 2) identify their potential targets among the immune cell population. This will be performed before and after 3 month strength exercise to get the global picture of the anti- inflammatory actors, but also after a single bout of exercise to identify the initial response that may trigger the
whole anti-inflammatory process.

This project will define 1) exercise indications for elderly subjects and circulating biomarkers to follow its effects and 2) molecular pathways that can be targeted pharmacologically when exercise is not possible e.g. for hospitalized aged patients. In conclusion, the project aims at setting up exercise as a driver for better-ageing, thus reducing the age-associated costs for the society.

Short title or EU acronymCLIP-EX
Effective start/end date1/12/2230/01/24


  • ERC funding

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Inflammation


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