Project Details


Many Flemish companies are aware of the potential impact of AI, but most SMEs have not yet investigated how AI might affect theirbusiness. Given the technology potential, there is an urgency to accelerate the adoption of AI in Flanders. The Flanders AI EDIHaccelerates the adoption of AI among (especially) SMEs and public sector organisations by an integrated service offering: (1) Testbefore invest: initial advice, individual coaching, AI technical feasibility study, legal workshop, Start AI, (2) Skills & training: AIinspiration session, thematic webinar & event, masterclass, AI Summer school, (3) Innovation ecosystem & networking: talent & skillsmatchmaking, matchmaking on AI supply & demand, matchmaking on joint research, Flanders AI Forum
Effective start/end date1/11/2231/10/25


  • Artificial Intelligence & Decision support
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Prototyping
  • Technology transfer
  • Digital twins
  • Ecosystem building

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Artificial intelligence not elsewhere classified


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