Growth and differentiation in the pancreas - an in vitro model

Project Details


During embryogenesis both the endocrine (acini) and the endocrine (islets) pancreas originate from ductal epithelium. There is evidence indicating that also later in life ductal cells retain stem cell capacity and can regenerate acinar and islet cells. It is not known, however, how this differentiation is regulated. We want to study the differentiation of pancreatic epithclial cells in vitro with as goal to elucidate the regulation mechanisms, in particular those that control the endocrine differentiation. As a possible application of this, large numbers of endocrine B cells might be generated for transplantation in diabetics, or their endogeneous B-cell mass might be regcncrated. In this project exocrine acinar and ductal cells in primary culture are treated with various growth and differentiation-inducing factors, extracellular matrix components, and co-culture with fetal mesenchymal cells. Cell differentiation is analysed by immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridisation, electron microscopy, Westem blotting, RlA-assay (insulin) and DNA-measurement.
Effective start/end date1/01/9831/12/99


  • anatomy

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Basic sciences


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