H2020: TAILOR : Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization

Project Details


The purpose of TAILOR is to build a strong academic-public-industrial research network with the capacity of providing the scientific basis for Trustworthy AI leveraging and combining learning, optimization and reasoning for realizing AI systems that incorporate the safeguards that make them in the reliable, safe, transparent and respectful of human agency and expectations.

Funding Acknowledgement(s)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952215
Short title or EU acronymTAILOR
Effective start/end date1/09/2031/08/24


  • Trustworthy ICT
  • Artificial Intelligence & Decision support
  • Action planning
  • Artificial intelligence

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Machine learning and decision making


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