Innovationmandate Spin-Off: PoweRing: A gearbox for the next generation robots

Project Details


This PoweRing project aims to evolve the compact, high transmission and highly efficient robot gearbox technology that is being developed at the Robotics and Multibody Mechanics (R&MM) group of the VUB from the current TRL3 level to a TRL6 level. Furthermore, PoweRing enables the group to develop a robust business plan and financing strategy with the aim of establishing a spin-off company and thereby bringing our technology to the robotics market, enabling more efficient, lighter and more compact robotic actuators that enable the next generation. of highly autonomous, lighter and more productive service robots.
Effective start/end date1/05/2230/04/24


  • robot
  • gearboxes

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Control systems, robotics and automation not elsewhere classified


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