International Francqui Professor (Leerstoel) 2023-2024: toegekend aan Prof. Dr. Jean-Marc Dewaele (Birkbeck College) tijdens academiejaar 2023-2024 of 2024-2025

Project Details


The research of Professor Jean-Marc is situated in the language sciences as well as the social and psychological sciences. He is a world authority in the fields of multilingualism studies and applied linguistics (esp. second/foreign language acquisition and teaching). His recent research focuses broadly on the effects of individual differences on multilingual language use and acquisition, with a focus on personality and emotion, and on research methodology in the language sciences. Prof. Dewaele is a very prolific researcher. He is the (co-)author of some of the most successful textbooks for the discipline (Questionnaires in Second Language Research. Construction, Administration and Processing, 3rd edition 2023, Routledge; Emotions in Multiple Languages, 2013, Multilingual Matters ), and he also (co-)edited some of the leading collected volumes in the field (e.g. Recent advances in second language emotion research, 2022, Reuters). He 2 guest-edited 9 special/thematic journal issues. He is single or co-author of over 220 articles in the most prestigious and impactful journals in the field (with 9 more currently ‘in press’), of nearly 100 chapters in peer-reviewed edited volumes, and of 13 entries in encyclopedia. He has given 80 plenary/keynote lectures at international venues. He has been a member of the editorial board of many international journals, and General Editor of two of the leading journals in the field. He has mentored over 30 PhD students. For his work he has received numerous awards, including in 2022 the Distinguished Scholar Award from the European Second Language Association. In short, Prof. Jean-Marc Dewaele is one of the most impactful researchers in the field (with an H-Index of 80) and in the language sciences tout court (he was ranked the 15th most influential language scientist in the world according to the Stanford rankings 2022; Ioannidis, 2022). Prof. Jean-Marc Dewaele is also a VUB alumnus. His undergraduate studies at the VUB and, particularly, his doctoral training at the VUB in late 1980s and early 1990s under the supervision of Prof. Em. Hugo Baetens Beardsmore, one of the 'founding fathers' of research on multilingualism and language acquisition, instilled in Jean-Marc Dewaele a research and teaching vision that invariably led the avant-garde of applied linguistics, and laid the foundations for a global network of expertise. Professor Dewaele knows the VUB well and has worked with various members of the BCLS team on applied linguistics and multilingualism, as a co-editor or as an author for works edited by BLSC team members (e.g. Bilingualism – Beyond Basic Principles, 2003, with A. Housen). After a flourishing career since 1994 as Professor in Applied Linguistics & Multilingualism at Birkbeck College, University of London, Jean-Marc Dewaele will also be appointed as Honorary Professor at University College London in June 2023. Through this affiliation, we have the unique opportunity to be able to commit him to the International Francqui Professorial Chair for 6 months in the academic term 2024-2025 .
Effective start/end date21/06/2322/06/25


  • language sciences

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Language studies not elsewhere classified


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